Trento offers many alternatives depending on your budget.
Trento youth hostel
Ostello Giovane Europa, via Torre Vanga 9, 38100 Trento.
Tel: +39 0461 263484, Fax: +39 0461 222517, E-mail:
Special prices for IAOA participants
We agreed a little bit of discount with the following hotels and agriturs.
Please mention the IAOA Summer School when you book. All the prices include breakfast.
Single room Double room
for single use
Double room
Accademia**** 71 euro 84 euro 128 euro
Everest*** 58 euro 70 euro 86 euro
Monaco*** 63 euro 73 euro 95 euro
Agritur Ponte Alto 40 euro 40 euro 70 euro
Villa Fontana*** 50 euro -- 80 euro
Useful links