The Program of JOWO 2017
Conference Location:
The conference will be held in the central complex of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, situated next to Piazza Università. Any location within the city centre will be within convenient walking distance.
To find JOWO, enter the main university building at Piazza Università and follow the arrows
Three workshop rooms C2.01 / C2.02 / C2.03 are on the second floor of the 'C' area, and one room is located next to the coffee area on the 6th floor of the 'F' area (see the table below for room allocations to workshops).
All lunches and coffee breaks are on the roof terrace of the design building, F6.
Keynotes take place in room C2.01.
Aperitivo and Concert start on Thursday around 18:15 on F6.
In the downloadable program, click the workshop names to go directly to the detailed program of each workshop.
Download Program
List of Accepted Papers
- First Keynote: Todd Oakley will speak on "What We Think About When We Talk About Money: Social Ontology and the Amalgamated Mind"
- Second Keynote:: Antonio Chella (University of Palermo) will speak on: "Grounding ontologies in the external world".
- Third Keynote: Alessandro Mosca (SIRIS Lab, Barcelona) will speak on: "Ontology-mediated Data Integration and Access in Research and Innovation Policy Making"
- Fourth Keynote: Giancarlo Guizzardi will speak on "'It’s Patterns all the way down': Patterns, Anti-Patterns and Pattern-Languages for Next-Generation Ontology Engineering"

Ontology Hike
Conference Dinner
The Conference Dinner will be held at the Lunas Restaurant of Hotel Luna/Mondschein, at 20:00 on Friday 22th.
The Ontology Pub Quiz
The Pub Quiz takes place in Temple Bar, Piazza Domenicani, starting at 18:00.