JOWO - 2017
Episode III: The Tyrolean Autumn
The Joint Ontology Workshops take place at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
This third edition of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO-17) includes the following workshops (click to expand):
CREOL: Contextual Representation of Objects and Events in Language
The CREOL workshop is focussed on investigating the relationship between representations of objects and events in ontological and linguistic resources, and their interpretation in the context of occurrence. Different properties of objects and events are activated depending on context, thus determining access to partial, salient, information rather than to all. Hence, dealing with context is a key factor in the conceptualization of human experience, and a major challenge for understanding natural language.
CREOL Website
DAO: Data meets Applied Ontologies
The goal of the DAO workshop is to provide opportunities for participants from academia and industry to present their latest developments in ontology-mediated data integration and analysis techniques, and data-driven industrial applications. The workshop will be a great opportunity to synthesize new insights, and disseminate knowledge across field boundaries to promote the interaction between these two different communities.
DAO Website
DEW: Ontology Debugging & Evaluation
DEW (the Debugging and Evaluation Workshop @ JOWO ) aims to advance ontology evaluation and the detection, understanding, and correction of errors in ontologies and ontological knowledge bases. We encourage submissions from all areas dealing with ontological knowledge, and hope to gain a broad perspective on evaluation methods, and debugging techniques over different formalisms.
DEW Website
EPINON: Epistemology in Ontologies
Formal ontologies and knowledge representation mainly focus on characterising how a given domain is structured, i.e., they identify a set of concepts, entities, and relations together with the constraints that hold for this domain. The characterisation is usually intended to reflect the point of view of significant experts or a realist view of how things about a particular domain are in reality.
The aim of this workshop is to explore an epistemological stance and focus on the assessment of the modelling provided by the ontology designer.We aim to address to an interdisciplinary audience, by inviting scholars in philosophy, computer science, logic, conceptual modelling, knowledge representation, and cognitive science to contribute to the discussion.
EPINON Website
FOMI: Formal Ontology Meets Industry
FOMI is an international forum where academic researchers and practitioners meet to analyse and discuss theoretical and application issues related to the use of formal ontologies in industry. The Workshop aims to collect lessons learned by the presentation of (1) experience with problems in ontology application, (2) new insights on problematic issues, (3) new results, successes and observations in ontology implementation, (4) lessons learned on the best way to apply ontological methodologies to real-world situations.
FOMI Website
FOUST II: 2nd Workshop on Foundational Ontology
Foundational ontologies are attempts to systematise those categories of thought or reality which are common to all or almost all subject-matters. Commonly considered examples of such categories include 'object', 'quality', 'function', 'role', 'process', 'event', 'time', and 'place'. Amongst existing foundational ontologies, there is both a substantial measure of agreement and some dramatic disagreements. There is currently no uniform consensus concerning how a foundational ontology should be organised, how far its 'reach' should be (e.g., is the distinction between physical and non-physical entities sufficiently fundamental to be included here?), and even what role it should play in relation to more specialised domain ontologies. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to present work on specific foundational ontologies as well as foundational ontologies in general and their relations to each other and to the wider ontological enterprise.
FOUST Website
ISD: The 3rd Image Schema Day
The Image Schema Day III (ISD3) is intended as an interdisciplinary meeting place for researchers interested in image schemas and similar conceptual primitives. Originating in cognitive linguistics, image schemas are thought to be the conceptual building blocks learned from the body’s sensorimotor processes in early infancy that come to shape adult language and thought. Today, image schemas are becoming increasingly influential in artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, and qualitative reasoning. At ISD3 we welcome researchers from all disciplines interested in pushing the boundaries of understanding, formalising, and reasoning with image schemas.
ISD Website
ODLS: Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences
Medicine, biology and life sciences produce hardly manageable and
comprehensible amounts of data, information, and knowledge, thereby
challenging existing methods of knowledge representation, data bases,
and data analysis. This interdisciplinary workshop covers the overall
spectrum of biomedical information processing, from experimental data
acquisition and data management, across analysis, structuring and
interpretation of data, up to the development of ontologies with their
various applications. The workshop aims at gathering scientists that
work in these fields in order to exchange ideas, to discuss new results
and to inspire collaborations.
ODLS Website
SHAPES 4.0: The Shape of Things
The SHAPES 4.0 workshop is an interdisciplinary event for the discussion of all topics connected to shape and pattern (broadly understood). We seek to facilitate an interdisciplinary discussion between researchers, practitioners and artists from all disciplines interested in representing shape, form, structure and pattern, and reasoning about them.
SHAPES 4.0 Website
WINKS: Workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing
WINKS is a workshop that is fully dedicated to challenges and solutions to knowledge sharing in interaction-based environments, ranging from the Internet of Things to multi-agent systems. Gradually expanding, distributed systems heighten the need of a dynamic interactive knowledge sharing process, while at the same time an increasing heterogeneity of resources renders this process more complex. As a highly interdisciplinary workshop, discussions will center on requirements and suggestions to endow computational models with knowledge sharing capabilities in interactive scenarios.
WINKS Website
In addition to workshops, JOWO will be hosting joint panel sessions and keynotes, as well as meetings of IAOA Special Interest Groups and Technical Committees.
Contact: Steering Committee:
Local Chair 2017: