JOWO 2019: IAOA and IAOA-specific Sessions at JOWO 2019
The International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA, is a non-profit organization aiming to promote interdisciplinary research and international collaboration at the intersection of philosophical ontology, linguistics, logic, cognitive science, and computer science, as well as in the applications of ontological analysis to conceptual modeling, knowledge engineering, knowledge management, information-systems development, library and information science, scientific research, and semantic technologies in general.
The Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO) belong to a number of event series that IAOA regularly supports and/or (co-)organizes.
You are all – being an IAOA member or not – very welcome to participate in the IAOA sessions at JOWO 2019.
Kickoff Meeting of the *new* IAOA Special Interest Group on Applied Ontology in Industry and Standards
Monday, Sep 23, 17:00-18:00, Hörsaal MC 3 (MC1.A.01.010)
The motivations for Applied Ontology (semantic integration, decision support, search) are daily challenges for industry. IAOA has recently proposed the creation of a new Special Interest Group called Applied Ontology in Industry and Standardization (AOIS). The mission of this new SIG is to promote the adoption of ontologies and ontological analysis within industry.
At this inaugural meeting, we will discuss the objectives and scope of the SIG and initiate activities that will bring together industry and the Applied Ontology community.
IAOA Education Committee Meeting
Tuesday, Sep 24, 14:00-15:00, Hörsaal MC 4 (MC1.A.EG.009)
The topic of ontology is not confined to one particular discipline and brings together individuals from multiple areas. Education allows the transfer of knowledge relating to ontology to be communicated both within and between these disciplines. It also allows new members to be brought into the field. The Education Committee aims to bring together IAOA members who are passionate about Education, and facilitate the development and co-ordination of educational resources relating to ontology.
This session will introduce the Education Committee by explaining its main aims, previous activities and what it means to be a member. We will briefly present the IAOA Education Wiki (, which hosts a number of "living pages", gathering material for educational purposes. There will also be a chance to discuss what the future activities of the Education Committee should include and how to maintain and further grow its resources.
IAOA General Meeting
Tuesday, Sep 24, 18:00-19:00, Aula (MC1.A.EG.002)
Get to hear what IAOA has achieved lately, what it pursues currently, and get an outlook on future events involving IAOA. Get to know the Executive Council members present and give them feedback for an association that meets your interests more and more.
Pub Quiz organized by the IAOA Education Committee
Wednesday, Sep 25, starting 17:30, Brot & Spiele: CUBA Room
One offer to conclude JOWO 2019 is to get together again in a more relaxed setting, in order to let the intense dealing with ontological matters fade away during a pub quiz. Following and inspired by a starting tradition of having a pub quiz at IAOA's Interdisciplinary Schools on Ontological Analysis, expect a mix of collaboration and competition on (more or less) basic knowledge in Applied Ontology and neighboring fields, spiced with a few historical and fun facts, as another, bracing kind of exchange on ontological matters. If in doubt, give it a try and join us!

For further inquiries please contact