JOWO 2023

Episode IX: The Quebec Summer of Ontology — Workshops & Tutorial at FOIS 2023

The Joint Ontology WOrkshops (JOWO) is a venue of workshops and tutorials that, together, address a wide spectrum of topics related to ontology research, ranging from Cognitive Science to Knowledge Representation, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics.

JOWO 2023 will be held July 17-20, 2023, in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada in conjunction with FOIS 2023.

JOWO is a conference of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA), which is a non-profit organization aiming to promote interdisciplinary research and international collaboration in formal ontology.

You can find a general presentation of JOWO and former editions here.


Workshops and tutorials at FOIS 2023 are events whose scientific program is independently established by the workshop organizers. They will be responsible for advertising the workshop and reviewing and selecting the contributions. Workshops can be events that provide a forum for the discussion of topics broadly related to ontologies, formal ontology, and knowledge management and their application in information science or other areas. Together, the workshops can address a wide spectrum of topics related to ontology research, ranging from Cognitive Science to Knowledge Representation, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics. They are especially suitable for interdisciplinary and innovative formats.

Workshops and Tutorial

JOWO 2023 will host 8 workshops and 1 tutorial. Visit the corresponding pages for more details.

See also the Workshops and Tutorials page on the FOIS 2023 website.

Important Dates

  • Workshop proposal submission deadline: January 15, 2023
  • Workshop acceptance notification: January 26, 2023
  • First call for papers to be distributed by workshop organizers: February 28, 2023
  • Submission deadline: around April 24, 2023
  • Notification date to authors: around May 24, 2023
  • Camera-ready versions of all papers received: beginning of June 2023
  • Workshops and tutorials take place on site in conjunction with FOIS 2023 in Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada (July 17-20, 2023): TBD


JOWO 2023 Chairs:
Megan Katsumi, University of Toronto, Canada
Emilio Sanfilippo, ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy

Proceedings Chair:


Web Chair:
Selja Seppälä, University College Cork, Ireland

JOWO Steering Committee:
Stefano Borgo, Laboratory of Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR, Italy
Oliver Kutz, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Frank Loebe, University of Leipzig, Germany
Fabian Neuhaus, Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg, Germany

