IAOA Newsletter 2015/2016
Dear IAOA members,
2015 comprised a special milestone for our community as we marked the10th anniversary of the Applied Ontology journal [1]. Nicola Guarino,Mark Musen, and the rest of the Editorial Board worked hard on a specialissue, which will be published in the coming months.
IAOA was one of the co-organizers for Ontology Summit 2015 [2], whichaddressed the theme “The Internet of Things: Toward Smart NetworkedSystems and Societies.” and explored Ontology Integration in IoT,Semantic Sensor Network Ontologies, Decision Making in DifferentDomains, and Related Standards and Synergies for Emerging IoT Ontologies.
The Third IAOA Summer Institute (in cooperation with the VespucciInstitutes 2015) [3] was held during the week of June 22-26 at Collegeof the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine, USA. The topic this year was”Spatial Ontologies for e-Science” with Werner Kuhn, Peter Fox, andMichael Gruninger as facilitators. Amidst the scenery of coastal Maine,participants engaged in a wide range of discussions, primarilyconsidering the notion of location. Topics included the role of locationin schema.org [4] and PROV-O [5], geoscience without geometry, and astudy of the concept of along (e.g. as in samples were taken alongthe river). Michael Gruninger was bestowed the honour of Fellow of the
Vespucci Initiative for the Advancement of Geographic Information inScience [6]. Special thanks are extended to Werner Kuhn, whoseindomitable energy, inspiration, and organizational prowess made theSummer Institute another success.
Last year marked the first edition of JOWO (Joint Ontology Workshops)[7] at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI) [8] in Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 25-31. This eventco-located the Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO), Formal Ontologiesfor Artificial Intelligence (FOfAI), the Workshop on Ontologies andLogic Programming for Query Answering, and the Workshop on Belief Changeand Non Monotonic Reasoning in Ontologies and Databases.
The 7th Workshop on Formal Ontologies Meet Industry (FOMI) [9] wasco-located with the RuleML Conference [10] in Berlin on August 5.Organized by Roberta Cuel and Bob Young, the workshop brought togetheran interesting mix of perspectives from a wide range of industrialapplications.
Concerning internal affairs, the end of the year brought changes to theExecutive Council (EC). Marion Haemmerli, Janna Hastings, and Leo Obrstall retired from the EC. Leo has served as an EC member from thecreation of IAOA in 2009, and Marion has been instrumental in laying thegroundwork for the relocation of IAOA from Italy to Switzerland. Aheartfelt thanks to Janna, Marion, and Leo for all of their hard work!Ken Baclawski, Amanda Vizedom, and Zena Wood were elected to theExecutive Council, with their term starting this January, 2016.
Under the leadership of Maria Keet and Zena Wood, the IAOA EducationCommittee has been re-energized, with the visible result of getting awiki [11] started, where people can find information on ontologycourses, material, and textbooks. See there [12] to find out how tocontribute to this effort.
This coming year will be quite exciting, with IAOA supporting severalmajor events. The Ninth International Conference on Formal Ontology inInformation Systems (FOIS 2016) [13] will be held in Annecy, France, onJuly 6-9. Giancarlo Guizzardi (General Chair) together with RobertaFerrario and Werner Kuhn (Programme Chairs), as well as PatrickBarlatier and Richard Dapoigny (Local Chairs), are crafting an amazingconference that will showcase the latest research in applied ontology.For up-to-date information, visit the website at
[13] https://www.iaoa.org/fois2016 .
The Education Committee is leading the planning for the ThirdInterdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology (ISAO) [14], which willtake place in Bolzano, Italy, between June 27 and July 1, 2016, i.e.Monday to Friday in the week before FOIS. Keep your eyes open for publicannouncements in the near future.
As in previous years, IAOA will again be a co-organizer of the OntologySummit [15]. Ontology Summit 2016 has selected as theme for this year”Semantic Integration”. The Summit will offer a particularly importantopportunity for identifying use cases for applying formal ontologies tosemantic integration problems in the domains of earth sciences, biologyand medicine, cloud computing, engineering, and finance.
The relocation of IAOA from Italy to Switzerland is still on our agenda.Unfortunately, this project could not be finished in 2015 as intendedoriginally, primarily due to delays in the revision of the Statute andthe Bylaws for Switzerland. However, we are now approaching thecompletion of this revision as well as the formal foundation of IAOA inSwitzerland, which are planned until March 2016. Please note that thistiming has a side effect on membership renewals for 2016. All activememberships of 2015 are “silently” extended until March 31, 2016. Afterthe foundation of IAOA in Switzerland and the setup of a new bankaccount all members will be informed when we are ready to enroll forthis year.
With an active agenda for 2016, we look forward to your continuingsupport in all the endeavours of IAOA and will hope to see you at any orall of this year’s events!
Michael Gruninger and Oliver Kutz
for the IAOA Executive Council
[1] http://www.iospress.nl/journal/applied-ontology/
[2] http://ontolog.cim3.net/OntologySummit/2015/
[3] http://www.vespucci.org/presentation
[4] https://schema.org/
[5] http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/
[6] http://www.vespucci.org/
[7] https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/
[8] http://ijcai-15.org/
[9] http://www.csw.inf.fu-berlin.de/fomi2015/
[10] http://2015.ruleml.org/
[11] http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za
[12] http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/pmwiki.php?n=IAOAEdu.HowToJoin
[13] https://www.iaoa.org/fois2016
[14] http://isao2016.inf.unibz.it/
[15] http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit
Frank Loebe