ONTOBRAS 2019 – Report from Porto Alegre

Ontobras was held this year in Porto Alegre, from September 2 to 5 and it was a great success. The seminar had 70 participants:  16 from industry, 28 students and 26 academic researchers (lecturers, mainly). Given its highly specialized nature, this can be considered a very good result.

33 papers were received, of which 11 full papers were accepted, plus 6 short papers to be presented as a poster. The Workshop onThesis and Dissertations has received 6 submissions from Ph.D. students and 2 from master students who are developing their thesis with main focus on ontology. Moreover, organizing the seminar has raised the attention of many other Brazilian organizations and researchers that have never participated to Ontobras in the past, thanks to the publicity on Linkedin and social media.  During and after the seminar, several new contacts of interest in the subject have been received. Therefore, the main aims of the seminar were fully achieved:  that of bringing together the community, offering a forum for PostGraduate students and stimulating them to do research in the area, and attracting new players from industry.

The Ontobras organization deeply thanks IAOA for the financial support, which has helped to start the organization earlier than usual and helped to set the subscription fee for students to 200 reals, (44 euros), providing material and food for all of them.  This fee has guaranteed to several non-author students the participation in the conference.


The General Organization

Mara Abel

Joel Luis Carbonera


Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the September newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org


The dates of FOIS 2020 have been announced: it will take place in Bolzano from September 14 to 17 2020. It will be part of a great wider event, the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge, a month of knowledge in September 2020. JOWO and ISAO will also be part of it.

Please check the webpages for updates:

*** BoSK 2020: https://summerofknowledge.inf.unibz.it
*** FOIS 2020: https://fois2020.inf.unibz.it
*** JOWO 2020: https://iaoa.org/jowo/
*** ISAO 2020: https://isao2020.inf.unibz.it


* 5th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2019)
September, 23-25, Graz, Austria

Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/2019/


* 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019)
September 16-19 2019, Bolzano, Italy

Website: http://2019.ruleml-rr.org

* Ontology As Structured by the Interfaces with Semantics 2 (OASIS 2)
October 16-18, Nantes, France

Website: http://oasis.cnrs.fr/oasis2

* 5th Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2019)
September 17-19, Bolzano, Italy

Website: https://gcai2019.inf.unibz.it/

* 18th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2019)
October 22-23, Rhodes, Greece

Website: http://www.otmconferences.org/index.php/conferences/odbase-2019

* 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019)
October 26-30, Auckland, New Zealand

Website: https://iswc2019.semanticweb.org/

* 2nd Workshop on Semantic Web for Social Good (SW4SG 2019)
October 26 or 27, Auckland, New Zealand

Website: https://sw4sg2019.github.io/iswc2019/

* 10th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP2019)
October 26 or 27, Auckland, New Zealand

Website: http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2019

* 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Website: https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/er2019/

* 3rd International Workshop on the Applications of Knowledge Representation and Semantic Technologies in Robotics (AnSWeR19)
November 4-8, The Venetian Macao, Macau, China

Website: http://wiki.knoesis.org/index.php/Answer-Robotic-SemanticWeb-IoT-Workshop-IROS2019

* 18th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIIA 2019)
November 19-22, Rende (CS), Italy

Website: https://aiia2019.mat.unical.it

* Knowledge Capture (K-Cap 2019)
November 19-21, Marina del Rey, California, USA

Website: http://www.k-cap.org/2019/index.html

* Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2019)
November 20-22, Porto, Portugal

Website: https://web.fe.up.pt/~robot2019/

* 11th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT 2019)
November 20-22, Trento, Italy

Website: http://context19.disi.unitn.it/

* 11th International Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Reuse and Evaluation (KARE 2019)
November 23-26, Sorrento (NA), Italy

Website: http://www.sitis-conf.org/en/kare-19.php


* 35th ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, Track on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR)
March 30-April 3, Brno, Czech republic

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday,September 15

Website: http://www.dmi.unipg.it/bista/organizing/KRR@sac2020

* SA Forum for Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR 2019)
December 3-6, Cape Town, South Africa

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, September 15 (papers submission to receive a notification by 15 October for travel arrangements)
*** Tuesday, October 15 (papers submission to receive a notification by 11 November)

* 11th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS 2020)
February 17-21, Dortmund, Germany

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, September 21 (abstracts submission)
*** Saturday, September 28 (papers submission)

Website: https://foiks2020.cs.tu-dortmund.de/

* 11th International Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Reuse and Evaluation (KARE 2019)
November 23-26, Sorrento (NA), Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Monday, September 23 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.sitis-conf.org/en/kare-19.php

* 6th Annual Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence – International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (CSCI-ISAI)
December 5-7, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, October 6 (papers submission)

Website: https://americancse.org/events/csci2019/Symposiums/csci_isai

* 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020)
June 8-12, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, October 30 (workshop proposals submission)
*** Friday, November 15 (abstracts submission)
*** Tuesday, November 19 (papers submission)
*** Thursday, November 21 (PAIS abstracts submission)
*** Tuesday, November 26 (PAIS papers submission)

Website: http://ecai2020.eu/

* 14th International Workshop on Value Modelling and Business Ontologies (VMBO 2020)
January 16-17, Bruxelles, Belgium

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, November 24 (papers submission)

Website: https://www.easychair.org/cfp/vmbo2020


* Semantic Web Journal: Special Issue on Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, September 29 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/special-issue-semantic-web-cultural-heritage

*German AI Journal (KI): Special Issue on Ontologies and Data Management

Deadline for submissions:

*** Thursday, October 31 (papers submission)

*** Saturday, November 30 (system descriptions, project reports, PhD abstracts, discussions submission)

Website: https://link.springer.com/journal/13218


* Ontology Summit 2019
September 18, 12:00 EST, virtual meeting
(the Ontology Summit is organized and run by the Ontolog Community)
“Open-ended discussion of the topics for summer meetings and the next summit”
default dates: every Wednesday, 12.00 EST

*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2020
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/WikiHomePage
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2019_09_11

* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

next meeting: n.225, September 16, 14:30 UTC (exceptional date)
default dates: bi-weekly, on Mondays, 14:30 UTC

EC Webpage:

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education

next meeting: n. 43, October 2, 14:30 UTC
default dates: 1st Wednesday of each month, 14:30 UTC

Mailing list archive:

EduTC Webpage:

Scientific Committees

EduTC Wiki: http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next meeting: n.71, October 7, 14:00 EST
default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 13:30 EST

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

< end of newsletter >


Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the July newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org


* IAOA Summer Institute 2019 on Places and Things
July, 22-25, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Website: http://geographicknowledge.de/iaoa-summer-institute/

* 5th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2019)
September, 23-25, Graz, Austria

Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/2019/


* 12th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil (ONTOBRAS 2019)
September, 2-5, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Website: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/ontobras/?lang=en


* 10th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2019)
July 29 – August 2, Buffalo, NY, USA

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/icbo2019/home

* Cognitive Vision @ AIS 2019
August 2, Cambridge, MA, USA

Website: https://www.codesign-lab.org/cogsys2019/

* Social Ontology (ENSO VI)
August 22-24, Tampere, Finland

Website: https://isosonline.org/SO2019/

* Ontological and Foundational Perspectives in Business Process Modelling (onBPM 2019)
September 2, Vienna, Austria

Website: ttps://onbpm2019.fbk.eu/home

* 1st International Workshop on Approaches for Making Data Interoperable (AMAR 2019)
September 9-12, Karlsruhe, Germany

Website: https://events.tib.eu/amar2019/

* 15th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2019)
September 9-12, Karlsruhe, Germany

Website: https://2019.semantics.cc/

* 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019)
September 16-19 2019, Bolzano, Italy

Website: http://2019.ruleml-rr.org

* 5th Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2019)
September 17-19, Bolzano, Italy

Website: https://gcai2019.inf.unibz.it/


* 11th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT 2019)
November 19-22, Trento, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Tuesday, July 16 (research and industrial paper submission)
*** Sunday, July 28 (workshop proposal submission)
*** Sunday, September 5 (poster submission)

Website: http://context19.disi.unitn.it/

* 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019)
September 16-19, Bolzano, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, July 19 (doctoral consortium, international challenge and poster/demo submission)

Website: https://rulemlrr19.inf.unibz.it/

* 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-Cap 2019)
November, 19-22, Marina del Rey, CA, USA

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, July 20 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.k-cap.org/2019/index.html

* 3rd International Workshop on the Applications of Knowledge Representation and Semantic Technologies in Robotics (AnSWeR19)
November 4/8, 2019, The Venetian Macao, China

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, July 31 (paper submission)

Website: http://wiki.knoesis.org/index.php/Answer-Robotic-SemanticWeb-IoT-Workshop-IROS2019


* Journal of Web Semantics: Special Issue on Benchmarking Semantic Web Solutions

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, July 31 (intention to submit)
*** Saturday, August 31 (papers submission)

Website: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-web-semantics/call-for-papers/special-issue-on-benchmarking-semantic-web-solutions


* Ontology Summit 2019
July 17, 12:00 EST, virtual meeting
(the Ontology Summit is organized and run by the Ontolog Community)
“Open-ended discussion of the topics for summer meetings and the next summit”
default dates: every Wednesday, 12.00 EST

*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2020
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/WikiHomePage
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2019_07_17

* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

next meeting: n.221, July 17, 14:30 UTC (exceptional date)
default dates: bi-weekly, on Mondays, 14:30 UTC

EC Webpage:

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education

next meeting: n. 41, August 7, 14:30 UTC
default dates: 1st Wednesday of each month, 14:30 UTC

Mailing list archive:

EduTC Webpage:

EduTC Wiki: http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next meeting: n.69, August 5, 14:00 EST
default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 13:30 EST

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

< end of newsletter >


Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the June newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org


* IAOA Summer Institute 2019 on Places and Things
July, 22-25, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Website: http://geographicknowledge.de/iaoa-summer-institute/


* 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2019)
June 17-21, Charlotte, NC, USA

Website: http://computationalcreativity.net/iccc2019/

* 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC19)
June 23, Villa Clara, Cuba

Website: http://www.kgswc.org/

* Artificial Intelligence Platform (PFIA 2019)
July 1-5, Toulouse, France

Website: https://www.irit.fr/pfia2019/en/

* 10th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2019)
July 29 – August 2, Buffalo, NY, USA

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/icbo2019/home

* Cognitive Vision @ AIS 2019
August 2, Cambridge, MA, USA

Website: https://www.codesign-lab.org/cogsys2019/

* Social Ontology (ENSO VI)
August 22-24, Tampere, Finland

Website: https://isosonline.org/SO2019/


* 10th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry (FOMI@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://stl.mie.utoronto.ca/fomi2019/home.html

* 2nd Workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS-2@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.iiia.csic.es/winks-2/index.html

* 2nd International Workshop on Bad Or Good Ontology (BOG@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://bog.inf.unibz.it/

* Cognition and OntologieS IV (CAOS@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

* 3rd Workshop on Foundational Ontology (FOUST@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://foust.inf.unibz.it/

September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/workshops/SHAPES5/

* Workshop on Data meets Applied Ontologies in Open Science and Innovation (DAO-SI @JOWO-2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://daosi.inf.unibz.it/

* Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences (ODLS@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://wiki.imise.uni-leipzig.de/Gruppen/OBML/Workshops/2019-ODLS

* Ontology of Social, Legal and Economic Entities (SoLEE@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://solee-2019.github.io/

* 1st International Workshop on Ontologies for Digital Humanities and their Social Analysis (WODHSA@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/WODHSA/

* 4th International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://womocoe19.fbk.eu/


* 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 16 (doctoral symposium submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (workshop papers submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (tutorial proposals submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (forum papers submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (posters and demos submission)

Website: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/er2019/

* Core concepts for an Ontology for Autonomous Robotics. Genealogy and Engineering Practice @ ROBOT 2019
November 20-22, Porto (Portugal)

Deadline for submissions:
*** Monday, June 17 (papers submission)

Website: https://web.fe.up.pt/~robot2019/

* 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-Cap 2019)
November, 19-22, Marina del Rey, CA, USA

Deadline for submissions:
*** Thursday, June 20 (workshop and tutorial proposals submission)
*** Saturday, June 22 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.k-cap.org/2019/index.html

* SEMANTiCS 2019
September 9-12, Karlsruhe, Germany

Deadline for submissions:
*** Thursday, June 20 (posters and demos submission)

Website: https://2019.semantics.cc/

* 10th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP 2019)
October 26-27, Auckland, New Zealand

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, June 21 (abstracts submission)
*** Friday, June 28 (papers submission)

Website: http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2019

* Semantic Web for Social Good (SW4SG 2019)
October 26-27, Auckland, New Zealand

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, June 21 (papers submission)

Website: https://sw4sg2019.github.io/iswc2019/

* 5th Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2019)
September 17-19, Bolzano, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, June 28 (abstract submission)
*** Friday, July 5 (papers submission)

Website: https://gcai2019.inf.unibz.it/

* Ontology As Structured by the Interfaces with Semantics 2 (OASIS 2)
October 16-18, Nantes, France

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 29 (abstracts submission)

Website: http://oasis.cnrs.fr/oasis2

* Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling (OntoCom 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (paper submission)

Website: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/er2019/call-for-er-2019-workshops/ontocom/

* Workshop on Conceptual Modeling, Ontologies and Metadata Management for FAIR data (FAIR 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (paper submission)

Website: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/er2019/call-for-er-2019-workshops/fair/

* 11th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT 2019)
November 19-22, Trento, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (workshop proposal submission)
*** Tuesday, July 16 (research and industrial paper submission)

Website: http://context19.disi.unitn.it/

* 3rd International Workshop on the Applications of Knowledge Representation and Semantic Technologies in Robotics (AnSWeR19)
November 4/8, 2019, The Venetian Macao, China

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (paper submission)

Website: http://wiki.knoesis.org/index.php/Answer-Robotic-SemanticWeb-IoT-Workshop-IROS2019

* 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019)
September 16-19, Bolzano, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, July 19 (doctoral consortium submission)

Website: https://rulemlrr19.inf.unibz.it/


* Journal of Web Semantics: Special Issue on Benchmarking Semantic Web Solutions

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, July 31 (intention to submit)
*** Saturday, August 31 (papers submission)

Website: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-web-semantics/call-for-papers/special-issue-on-benchmarking-semantic-web-solutions


* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

next meeting: n.220, June 24, 14:30 UTC (exceptional date)
default dates: bi-weekly, on Mondays, 14:30 UTC

EC Webpage:

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education

next meeting: n. 40, July 3, 14:30 UTC
default dates: 1st Wednesday of each month, 14:30 UTC

Mailing list archive:

EduTC Webpage:

EduTC Wiki: http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next meeting: n.68, July 1, 14:00 EST
default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 13:30 EST

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

< end of newsletter >


Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the May newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org


* IAOA Summer Institute 2019 on Places and Things
July, 22-25, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Website: http://geographicknowledge.de/iaoa-summer-institute/


* 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019)
May 20-22, Leipzig, Germany

Website: http://2019.ldk-conf.org/

* 16th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2019)
June 2-6, Portoroz, Slovenia

Website: https://2019.eswc-conferences.org/

* 31t International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2019)
June 3-7, Rome, Italy

Website: https://www.caise19.it/

* 1st International Workshop on Open Data and Ontologies for Cultural Heritage (ODOCH 2019)
June 3, Rome, Italy

Website: http://odoch19.uniroma1.it/odoch19/

* 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2019)
June 17-21, Charlotte, NC, USA

Website: http://computationalcreativity.net/iccc2019/

* 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC19)
June 23, Villa Clara, Cuba

Website: http://www.kgswc.org/

* Artificial Intelligence Platform (PFIA 2019)
July 1-5, Toulouse, France

Website: https://www.irit.fr/pfia2019/en/

* 10th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2019)
July 29 – August 2, Buffalo, NY, USA

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/icbo2019/home


* Contextual Representation of Events and Objects in Language (CREOL@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://creol2019.di.unito.it/

* 10th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry (FOMI@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://stl.mie.utoronto.ca/fomi2019/home.html

* 2nd Workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS-2@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.iiia.csic.es/winks-2/index.html

* 2nd International Workshop on Bad Or Good Ontology (BOG@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 31 (papers submission)

Website: http://bog.inf.unibz.it/

* Cognition and OntologieS IV (CAOS@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 31 (papers submission)

* 3rd Workshop on Foundational Ontology (FOUST@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 31 (papers submission)

Website: http://foust.inf.unibz.it/

September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 31 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/workshops/SHAPES5/

* Workshop on Data meets Applied Ontologies in Open Science and Innovation (DAO-SI @JOWO-2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 31 (abstracts submission)
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://daosi.inf.unibz.it/

* Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences (ODLS@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 31 (abstracts submission)
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://wiki.imise.uni-leipzig.de/Gruppen/OBML/Workshops/2019-ODLS

* Ontology of Social, Legal and Economic Entities (SoLEE@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 31 (abstracts submission)
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://solee-2019.github.io/

* 1st International Workshop on Ontologies for Digital Humanities and their Social Analysis (WODHSA@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 31 (abstracts submission)
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/WODHSA/

* 4th International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 31 (abstracts submission)
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://womocoe19.fbk.eu/


* 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2019)
June 17-21, Charlotte, NC, USA

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 3 (doctoral consortium submission)
*** Monday, May 6 (late-breaking work submission)

* SEMANTiCS 2019
September 9-12, Karlsruhe, Germany

Deadline for submissions:
*** Monday, May 6 (research and innovation track abstract submission)
*** Monday, May 13 (research and innovation track paper submission)
*** Monday, May 20 (Vocabulary and innovation award submission)
*** Monday, May 27 (Industry and case track, LegalTech/Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage submission)
*** Monday, June 10 (posters and demos submission)

Website: https://2019.semantics.cc/

* Ontologies in Brazil (ONTOBRAS 2019)
September 2-5, Porto Alegre, PR, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Tuesday, May 7 (abstracts submission)
*** Monday, May 13 (papers and Doctoral and Masters Consortium submission)

Website: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/ontobras/?lang=en

* 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019)
September 16-19, Bolzano, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 24 (abstracts submission)
*** Friday, May 31 (papers submission)
*** Friday, July 19 (doctoral consortium submission)

Website: https://rulemlrr19.inf.unibz.it/

* Ontological and Foundational Perspectives in Business Process Modelling Workshop (onBPM 2019)
September 2, Wien, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 24 (paper submission)

Website: https://onbpm2019.fbk.eu/home

* 10th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2019)
July 29- August 2, Buffalo, NY, USA

Deadline for submission:
*** Saturday, May 25 (poster abstract submission)

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/icbo2019/home

* 18th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2019)
November 19-22, Cosenza, Italy

Deadline for submission:
*** Tuesday, May 28 (abstracts submission)
*** Tuesday, June 4 (papers submission)

Website: https://aiia2019.mat.unical.it/home

* 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-Cap 2019)
November, 19-22, Marina del Rey, CA, USA

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 1 (workshop and tutorial proposals submission)
*** Saturday, June 22 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.k-cap.org/2019/index.html

* 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 2 (doctoral symposium submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (workshop papers submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (tutorial proposals submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (forum papers submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (posters and demos submission)

* Cognitive Vision @ AIS 2019
August 2, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA

Deadline for submissions:
*** Monday, June 3 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.codesign-lab.org/cogsys2019/

* Core concepts for an Ontology for Autonomous Robotics. Genealogy and Engineering Practice @ ROBOT 2019
November 20-22, Porto (Portugal)

Deadline for submissions:
*** Monday, June 20 (papers submission)

Website: https://web.fe.up.pt/~robot2019/

* Ontology As Structured by the Interfaces with Semantics 2 (OASIS 2)
October 16-18, Nantes, France

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://oasis.cnrs.fr/oasis2

* 10th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP 2019)
October 26-27, Auckland, New Zealand

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, June 21 (abstracts submission)
*** Friday, June 28 (papers submission)

Website: http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2019

* Semantic Web for Social Good (SW4SG 2019)
October 26-27, Auckland, New Zealand

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, June 21 (papers submission)

Website: https://sw4sg2019.github.io/iswc2019/

* Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling (OntoCom 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (paper submission)

Website: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/er2019/call-for-er-2019-workshops/ontocom/

* Workshop on Conceptual Modeling, Ontologies and Metadata Management for FAIR data (FAIR 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (paper submission)

Website: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/er2019/call-for-er-2019-workshops/fair/

* 11th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT 2019)
November 19-22, Trento, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (workshop proposal submission)
*** Tuesday, July 16 (research and industrial paper submission)

Website: http://context19.disi.unitn.it/


* Ontology Summit 2019
May 29, 12:00 EST, virtual meeting
(the Ontology Summit is organized and run by the Ontolog Community)
“Post Mortem Session”
default dates: every Wednesday, 12.00 EST

*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2019
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/WikiHomePage
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2019_05_08

* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

next meeting: n.218, May 27, 14:30 UTC (exceptional date)
default dates: bi-weekly, on Mondays, 14:30 UTC

EC Webpage:

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education

next meeting: n. 39, June 5, 14:30 UTC
default dates: 1st Wednesday of each month, 14:30 UTC

Mailing list archive:

EduTC Webpage:

EduTC Wiki: http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next meeting: n.67, June 3, 14:00 EST
default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 14:00 EST

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

< end of newsletter >

Results of the 1st IAOA Virtual Assembly 2019

Dear IAOA Members,

we are grateful to everyone who spent time on our Virtual Assembly and
who expressed their votes concerning the 2018 Financial Report. The
ballot was closed with the end of April 15, 2019 (anywhere = UTC-12).

The 2018 Financial Report has been approved by all participants of the
ballot except for one, who abstained. These results are listed below and
on [1,2]. Many thanks to everyone actively engaged!

In case there remain any further questions, please feel free to contact
[3] info@iaoa.org or send issues of general relevance to the members'
mailing list [4].

Additionally we thank Ken Baclawski for preparing the 2018 Financial
Report, the Auditors for their work controlling the report and the
books, and those who coordinated the ballot and set up the voting system.
Finally, thanks to you once more for your contributions.

Best wishes,
Laure Vieu
President, IAOA

== Voting results of the ballot in April 2019 ==

Ballot item: 2018 Financial Report [5]

Total number of members / entitled to vote:  72
No quorum required
Total number of votes:                       17
Participation rate:                          23.6 %

Ballot 1 (Approval of the 2018 Financial Report)
Yes:     16 (94.1%)
No:       0 ( 0.0%)
Abstain:  1 ( 5.9%)

== References ==

[1] http://ontologforum.org/index.php/IAOA_Assembly_2019_04

[2] https://iaoa.org/members/users/iaoa-res2019.php

[3] info@iaoa.org

[4] iaoa-member@ovgu.de



Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the April newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org


* 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019)
May 20-22, Leipzig, Germany

Website: http://2019.ldk-conf.org/

* 16th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2019)
June 2-6, Portoroz, Slovenia

Website: https://2019.eswc-conferences.org/

* 31t International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2019)
June 3-7, Rome, Italy

Website: https://www.caise19.it/

* 1st International Workshop on Open Data and Ontologies for Cultural Heritage (ODOCH 2019)
June 3, Rome, Italy

Website: http://odoch19.uniroma1.it/odoch19/

* 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2019)
June 17-21, Charlotte, NC, USA

Website: http://computationalcreativity.net/iccc2019/


* 2nd Workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS-2@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Tuesday, April 30 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.iiia.csic.es/winks-2/index.html

* 1st International Workshop on Ontologies for Digital Humanities and their Social Analysis (WODHSA@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Tuesday, April 30 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/WODHSA/

* 2nd International Workshop on Bad Or Good Ontology (BOG@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://bog.inf.unibz.it/

* 10th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry (FOMI@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://stl.mie.utoronto.ca/fomi2019/home.html

* Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences (ODLS@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://wiki.imise.uni-leipzig.de/Gruppen/OBML/Workshops/2019-ODLS

September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/workshops/SHAPES5/

* Ontology of Social, Legal and Economic Entities (SoLEE@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://solee-2019.github.io/

* 4th International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://womocoe19.fbk.eu/

* 3rd Workshop on Foundational Ontology (FOUST@JOWO 2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 15 (papers submission)

Website: http://foust.inf.unibz.it/

* Workshop on Data meets Applied Ontologies in Open Science and Innovation (DAO-SI @JOWO-2019)
September 23-25, Graz, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 1 (papers submission)

Website: https://daosi.inf.unibz.it/


* 1st International Workshop on Open Data and Ontologies for Cultural Heritage (ODOCH 2019)
June 3, Rome, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, April 13 (papers submission)

Website: http://odoch19.uniroma1.it/odoch19/

* 10th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2019)
July 29- August 2, Buffalo, NY, USA

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, April 15 (full paper and early career paper submission)
*** Saturday, May 25 (poster abstract submission)

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/icbo2019/home

* 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, April 19 (abstracts submission)
*** Sunday, April 21 (papers submission)
*** Sunday, June 2 (doctoral symposium submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (workshop papers submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (tutorial proposals submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (forum papers submission)
*** Sunday, June 30 (posters and demos submission)

* 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2019)
June 17-21, Charlotte, NC, USA

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, April 19 (creative submission)
*** Friday, May 3 (late-breaking work submission)

* 16th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2019)
June 2-6, Portoroz, Slovenia

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, April 22 (project networking session submission)

Website: https://2019.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-project-networking-session/

* SEMANTiCS 2019
September 9-12, Karlsruhe, Germany

Deadline for submissions:
*** Tuesday, April 23 (research and innovation track abstract submission)
*** Tuesday, April 30 (research and innovation track paper submission)
*** Monday, May 20 (Vocabulary and innovation award submission)
*** Monday, May 27 (Industry and case track, LegalTech/Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage submission)
*** Monday, June 10 (posters and demos submission)

Website: https://2019.semantics.cc/

* Ontological and Foundational Perspectives in Business Process Modelling Workshop (onBPM 2019)
September 2, Wien, Austria

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 24 (paper submission)

Website: https://onbpm2019.fbk.eu/home

* 10th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP 2019)
October 26-27, Auckland, New Zealand

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, June 21 (abstract submission)
*** Friday, June 28 (paper submission)

Website: http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2019

* Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling (OntoCom 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (paper submission)

Website: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/er2019/call-for-er-2019-workshops/ontocom/

* Workshop on Conceptual Modeling, Ontologies and Metadata Management for FAIR data (FAIR 2019)
November 4-7, Salvador Bahia, Brazil

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (paper submission)

Website: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/er2019/call-for-er-2019-workshops/fair/

* 11th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT 2019)
November 19-22, Trento, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, June 30 (workshop proposal submission)

Website: http://context19.disi.unitn.it/


* Ontology Summit 2019
April 17, 12:00 EST, virtual meeting
(the Ontology Summit is organized and run by the Ontolog Community)
“Medical Explanations Session 3”
default dates: every Wednesday, 12.00 EST

*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2019
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/WikiHomePage
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2019_03_20

* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

next meeting: n.215, April 17, 14:30 UTC (exceptional date)
default dates: bi-weekly, on Mondays, 14:30 UTC

EC Webpage:

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education

next meeting: n. 38, May 1, 14:30 UTC
default dates: 1st Wednesday of each month, 14:30 UTC

Mailing list archive:

EduTC Webpage:

EduTC Wiki: http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next meeting: n.66, May 6, 14:00 EST
default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 14:00 EST

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

< end of newsletter >

FOIS 2020 @ Bolzano Summer of Knowledge

The 11th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems, FOIS 2020, will be held at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in September 2020, following the 5th Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology, ISAO 2020

Both will be part of the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge, which will also host EKAW 2020 and ICBO 2020.



International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA)

Research Centre on Knowledge and Data (KRDB)
Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

2019 IAOA Summer Institute

July 22-25, 2019
Utrecht, Netherlands


The need to support spatial reasoning arises in domains as diverse as geographic information systems
and manufacturing, yet there has been little interaction between the industrial and academic communities
in these domains. The IAOA Summer Institute will bring together researchers from these domains
and explore topics in spatial representation and reasoning
such as notions of dimensionality, boundaries, shape, and location.

* What are the commonalities and differences among the research problems
that motivate the various communities that use spatial reasoning?
* Why is there not more ontology reuse and sharing among these communities?
* What applications drive the design of ontologies for spatial reasoning?
For example, location services are increasingly important for many companies.
Knowledge-based design of electromechanical devices with moving parts remains
a challenge in manufacturing.

Werner Kuhn (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Simon Scheider (University of Utrecht)
Michael Gruninger (University of Toronto)

JOWO 2019 Episode V: The Styrian Autumn of Ontology

The Joint Ontology Workshops will take place at the Medical University of Graz, September 23-25, 2019. This fifth edition will include 12 workshops and 4 tutorials.

In addition to workshops, JOWO will be hosting keynotes and joint panel sessions, as well as meetings of IAOA Special Interest Groups and Technical Committees.



Important Dates:

– January 15, 2019 (passed): Workshop proposal submission deadline – you can find the expired call for workshops here
– January 31, 2019 (passed): Workshop acceptance notification
– February 25, 2019 (passed): 1st call for papers to be distributed by workshop organizers
– May 15, 2019: Suggested latest paper submission deadline
– September 23-25, 2019: JOWO 2019 in Graz

For workshop-specific detailed timelines, see the workshop pages.

Organization team:

JOWO 2019 Chairs:
Adrien Barton, CNRS-IRIT, Toulouse, France & University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Selja Seppälä, University College Cork, Ireland

JOWO 2019 Local Organization:
Catalina Martínez Costa, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Jose Antonio Miñarro Giménez, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Stefan Schulz, Medical University of Graz, Austria

JOWO Steering Committee:
Stefano Borgo, Laboratory of Applied Ontology (LOA), Trento, Italy
Oliver Kutz, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Frank Loebe, University of Leipzig, Germany
Fabian Neuhaus, Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg, Germany

For further inquiries please contact jowo2019@gmail.com.

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