February 2018 Newsletter

Dear IAOA members,


herewith you receive the February newsletter on events that cover

research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated

with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and

Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events

and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports

of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended

them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to

bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and

deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information.


Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this

service, please let us know by writing to the Association [3] or

publicly to the membership [4].



IAOA Executive Council



[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”



[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”



[3] info@iaoa.org


[4] iaoa-member@ovgu.de







* AAAI 2018 – 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

February 2-7, New Orleans (Louisiana, USA)

Website: http://www.aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI/aaai18.php


*CoCoSym 2018 – Cognitive Computation Symposium: Thinking Beyond Deep Learning

February, 27, London (UK)

Website: http://www.neural-symbolic.org/CoCoSym2018/index.html






* FOIS 2018 10th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems

September 17-21, Cape Town (South Africa)


Deadline for submissions:

***Friday, March 2 (workshop/tutorial proposals submission)

***Friday, April 13 (paper submission)

Website: http://fois2018.cs.uct.ac.za








*UKON 2018 – UK Ontology Network

April 30, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK


Deadline for submissions:

***Friday, March 2 (abstract submission)

Website: http://ukontology.org/



*ICBO 2018 – International Conference on Biomedical Ontology

August 7-10, Corvallis, Oregon, US


Deadline for submissions:

***Friday, March 9 (workshops and tutorials proposals submission)

***Wednesday, April 25 (paper, software demo, early career and workshop paper submission)

***Tuesday, May 15 (poster abstract submission)

Website: http://icbo2018.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/



*ISWC 2018 – International Conference on the Semantic Web

October 8-12, Monterey, California, US


Deadline for submissions:

***Friday, March 30 (abstract submission)

***Friday, April 6 (paper submission)

Website: http://iswc2018.semanticweb.org/


* ISWS 2018 – The International Semantic Web Research Summer School

July, 1-7, Bertinoro, Italy


Deadline for applications:

***Saturday, March 31

Website: http://isws2018.semanticwebschool.org/








* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education

next: n.26, February 6, 2018, time newly TBD

default dates: newly TBD

EduTC Webpage: https://www.iaoa.org/iaoaTC/TCeducation/TCeducation.php


* Executive Council Meeting

next: n.187, February 5, 2018, 14:30 UTC

default dates: bi-weekly, Mondays, time newly TBD

EC Webpage: https://www.iaoa.org/iaoaorga/council/council.html


* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next: n.51, February 5, 2018, 18:30 UTC

default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 18:30 UTC

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/


Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:



* Ontology Summit 2018: Sessions continue in January

next: February 7, 2018, 17:00 18:30 UTC

default dates: Wednesdays, 17:00 18:30 UTC

website: http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2018







* FOIS 2018 – Formal Ontology in Information Systems and

ISAO 2018 – Interdisciplinary School on Ontological Analysis


Provisional FOIS 2018 website: http://fois2018.cs.uct.ac.za


Location: Cape Town, South Africa


Event dates:

** ISAO: September 10-14 interdisciplinary school

** FOIS: September 17-18 workshops

September 19-21 main conference


Important dates for FOIS:

** Friday, March 2 (workshop/tutorial proposal)

** Thursday, March 15 (workshop/tutorial notification)

** Friday, April 13 (paper submission)

** Wednesday, May 30 (paper notification)

** Sunday, June 24 (camera-ready)



** FOIS Roles filled:

PC Co-chair: Stefano Borgo ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy

PC Co-chair: Pascal Hitzler Wright State Univ., Dayton, Ohio, USA

Publicity chair: Karl Hammar Jnkping Univ., Sweden

Early Career Symposium Chairs:

Emilio Sanfilippo CNRS, Nantes, France

Maria Hedblom Otto-von-Guericke Univ., Magdeburg, Germany

Zubeida Khan Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa

Local Chair: Maria Keet Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa

General Chair: Oliver Kutz Free Univ. of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

FOIS 2018 and ISAO 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa

The 10th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2018) will take place on September 17-21, 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa.

The 4th Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology will take place the preceding week.


The first Call for Papers has been issued and can be found at theconference website.

This edition of FOIS is being organized by the following:
General Chair:
Oliver Kutz (KRDB, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Program Chairs:
Stefano Borgo (Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), ISTC CNR Trento IT)
Pascal Hitzler (Data Semantics (DaSe) Laboratory, Wright State University, USA)

Local Organization:
Maria Keet (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

October 2017 Newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the October newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information.

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [3] or publicly to the membership [4].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] info@iaoa.org

[4] iaoa-member@ovgu.de


* VORTE 2017 – 9th International Workshop on Vocabularies,
Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise
October 10, 2017, Quebec City, Canada
Website: http://edoc2017.ca/vorte-2017/
Involvement: IAOA funding of 500 EUR (EC meeting n.164, Feb 13)


* MEDI 2017 – The 7th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering
October, 4-6, Barcelona (Spain)
Website: http://www.essi.upc.edu/dtim/medi2017/

* Protg Short Course
October, 911, Stanford, California (USA)
Website: http://protege.stanford.edu/shortcourse/201710

* IDC 2017- The 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing
October, 1113, Belgrade (Serbia)
Website: http://idc2017.pmf.uns.ac.rs

* GCAI 2017 – The 3rd Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence
October, 1822, Miami, Florida (USA)
Website: http://easychair.org/smart-program/GCAI2017/

* ISWC 2017 – 16th International Semantic Web Conference
October, 2125, Vienna (Austria)
Website: http://iswc2017.semanticweb.org/

* WOMoCoE 2017 @ ISWC 2017 – 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution
October, 22, Vienna (Austria)
Website: http://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/womocoe2017/

* ODBASE 2017 – The 16th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics
October, 2425, Rhodes (Greece)
Website: http://www.otmconferences.org/index.php/conferences/odbase-2017

* ER 2017 – 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
November, 69, Valencia (Spain)
Website: http://er2017.pros.webs.upv.es/

* OntoCoM 2017 @ ER 2017 – 5th International Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling
November, 6, Valencia (Spain)
Website: http://er2017.pros.webs.upv.es/ontocom-2017/

* AI*IA 2017 – The 16th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
November, 1417, Bari (Italy)
Website: http://aiia2017.di.uniba.it/

* GenSW 2017 @ AI*IA – 1st International Workshop on “Generalizing knowledge: from Machine Learning and
Knowledge Representation to the Semantic Web”
November, 1417, Bari (Italy)
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/gensw2017/

* ROBOT 2017 [ontology & KR session]
November, 2224, Seville (Spain)
Website: https://grvc.us.es/robot2017/


* Executive Council Meeting n.180, October 10, 2017
EC Webpage: https://www.iaoa.org/iaoaorga/council/council.html

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education
date for n.24: week of October 09, day and time TBD
EduTC Webpage: https://www.iaoa.org/iaoaTC/TCeducation/TCeducation.php

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG
Default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 18:30 UTC
yields: n.48 – October 02, 2017, 18:30 UTC
Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

* Ontology Summit 2018: Research Session during Planning Phase
Date for conference call: October 4, 18:00 19:30 UTC
website: http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2018
confcall: http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2017_10_04


* FOIS 2018 – Formal Ontology in Information Systems and
ISAO 2018 – Interdisciplinary School on Ontological Analysis
(it is intended that both events are temporally well-matched)

** FOIS: Sep 17-18 workshop days
Sep 19-21 main conference
** ISAO: during the week starting September 10, 2018 (exact date TBC)
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
** IAOA PC chairs approved by the EC:
Stefano Borgo ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy
Pascal Hitzler Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA
Next steps:
** Website setup
** Calls scheduling and announcement

July 2017 Newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the July newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information.

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [3] or publicly to the membership [4].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] info@iaoa.org

[4] iaoa-member@ovgu.de


* 2017 IAOA Summer Institute
August, 8-11, University of Toronto (Ontario, Canada)
Website: http://ontologforum.org/index.php/SummerInstitute2017

! Register by: July 17, 2017 !


* ONTOBRAS 2017 Seminar of research in Ontologies in Brazil
August, 28-30, Brasilia (Brazil)
Website: http://www.ontobras2017.org/en/
Involvement: IAOA funding of 1,000 EUR (EC meeting n.164, Feb 13)

! Early registration ends: July 16, 2017 !


* RW 2017 13th Reasoning Web Summer School
“Semantic Interoperability on the Web”
July 7-11, Birbeck, University of London (UK)
Website: http://2017.ruleml-rr.org/call-for-13th-reasoning-web-summer-school-rw-2017/

* RuleML+RR 2017 International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning
July 12-15, Birbeck, University of London (UK)
Website: http://2017.ruleml-rr.org/

* ESSLLI 2017 29th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information
July, 17-28, University of Toulouse (France)
Website: https://www.irit.fr/esslli2017/

* DL 2017 30th International Workshop on Description Logics
July, 18-21, Montpellier (France)
Website: https://project.inria.fr/dl2017/

* Bio-Ontologies 2017
July, 24-25, Prague (Czech Republic)
Website: http://www.bio-ontologies.org.uk/

* IEEE IRI 2017 IEEE 18th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration
August, 4-6, San Diego (California, USA)
Website: http://www.sis.pitt.edu/iri2017/

* IJCAI 2017 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
August, 19-25, Melbourne (Australia)
Website: https://ijcai-17.org/

* TSD 2017 20th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue
August, 27-31, Prague (Czech Republic)
Website: http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/tsd2017/

* ENSO V 5th Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology
August 30 September 1, Lund (Sweden)
Website: http://konferens.ht.lu.se/en/enso-v/start2/


* Onto.CoM 2017 – 5th International Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling @ ER 2017
November 6, Valencia (Spain)

Deadline for submissions:
** Monday, July 03
Website: http://er2017.pros.webs.upv.es/ontocom-2017/

* ONTOBRAS 2017 Seminar of research in Ontologies in Brazil
August, 28-30, Brasilia (Brazil)

Registration deadline:
** early: Sunday, July 16
** standard: Sunday, August 13
Website: http://www.ontobras2017.org/en/

* 2017 IAOA Summer Institute
August, 8-11, University of Toronto (Ontario, Canada)

Registration deadline:
** standard: Monday, July 17
Website: http://ontologforum.org/index.php/SummerInstitute2017

* JOWO 2017 Joint Ontology Workshops, Episode III: The Tyrolean Autumn
September 21-23, Bolzano (Italy)

Deadline for submissions:
** Monday, July 17
(recommended deadline for papers,
but each workshop may have its own deadline, check website)
Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/2017/


* GCAI 2017 3rd Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence
October 18-22, Miami (Florida, USA)

Deadline for submission:
** Friday, June 30 (abstract registration)
** Friday, July 7 (paper submission)
Website: http://easychair.org/smart-program/GCAI2017/

* ROBOT 2017 Third Iberian Robotics Conference [Ontology & KR session]
November, 22-24, Seville (Spain)

Deadline for submission:
** Monday, July 10 (paper submission)
Website: https://grvc.us.es/robot2017/

* GenSW 1st International Workshop on “Generalizing Knowledge: from Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation to the Semantic Web”
November, 14-17, Bari (Italy)

Deadline for submission:
** Friday, July 14 (paper submission)
Website: https://conference.researchbib.com/view/event/70327

* WOMoCoE 2017 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution
October, 21-25, Vienna (Austria)

Deadline for submission:
** Monday, July 17 (abstract submission)
** Friday, July 21 (paper submission)
Website: http://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/womocoe2017/


* Executive Council Meeting n.173, July 5, 2017
EC Webpage: https://www.iaoa.org/iaoaorga/council/council.html

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education
date for n.22: July 6
EduTC Webpage: https://www.iaoa.org/iaoaTC/TCeducation/TCeducation.php

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG
Default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 18:30 UTC
yields: n.45 – July 03, 2017, 18:30 UTC
! as Jul 03 is between a Sunday and July 04 (US Independence Day),
please check the mailing list for short-hand notices !
Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:


* 2017 IAOA Summer Institute Topic: “Upper Ontologies”
August 8-11, 2017, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Website: http://ontologforum.org/index.php/SummerInstitute2017

** travel grant assignments under consideration
** registration open

* ONTOBRAS 2017 – 9th Brazilian Ontology Research Seminar
August 28-30, 2017, Brasilia, Brazil

Website: http://www.ontobras2017.org/en/
Involvement: IAOA funding of 1,000 EUR (EC meeting n.164, Feb 13)

** acceptance notifications
** registration open

* JOWO 2017 – 3rd Joint Ontology Workshops
September 21-23, 2017, Bolzano, Italy

Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/JOWO-2017/

** 2nd calls for contributions are distributed
** first keynotes confirmed (G.Guizzardi, T.Oakley)
** social program item announced (Hyperinstruments Ensemble)
** fees announced and registration open

* VORTE 2017 – 9th International Workshop on Vocabularies,
Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise

October 10, 2017, Quebec City, Canada

Website: http://edoc2017.ca/vorte-2017/
Involvement: IAOA funding of 500 EUR (EC meeting n.164, Feb 13)

** Submissions under review

* FOIS 2018 – Formal Ontology in Information Systems and
ISAO 2018 – Interdisciplinary School on Ontological Analysis
(it is intended that both events are temporally well-matched)

** FOIS: during the week starting September 17, 2018 (TBC)
** ISAO: during the week starting September 10, 2018 (TBC)
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
** IAOA Executive Council reviews proposals to determine PC chairs

May 2017 Newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the third newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and deadlines prior to such events. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information.

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [3] or to the overall membership [4].

DISCLAIMER: Please note that, notwithstanding our efforts to provide information that is correct and up-to-date, by offering these services IAOA assumes no liability and no warranty for the correctness, accuracy, completeness nor reliability of the shared information. In order to rely on the information, please reconfirm it via specific sources, e.g., of events.


IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”


[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”


[3] info@iaoa.org

[4] iaoa-member@ovgu.de


* ESWC 2017 – Extended Semantic Web Conference

May 28 – June 1, Portoroz, Slovenia

Website: http://2017.eswc-conferences.org/

* SBSI 2017 – The Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems

June 58, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Website: http://www.sbc.org.br/sbsi2017

* TOTh 2017 – The annual conference on Terminology & Ontology:
Theory and Applications

June 8-9, University of Savoie, Chambry, France

Website: http://www.porphyre.org/toth

* ICFCA 2017 – 14th International Conference on
Formal Concept Analysis

June 12-16, Rennes, France

Website: https://icfca2017.irisa.fr/

* MIREL 2017 – Workshop on MIning and REasoning with Legal texts

June 16, London, UK

Website: http://www.mirelproject.eu/MIRELws/

* LDK 2017 – 1st International Conference on
Language, Data and Knowledge

June 1920, Galway, Ireland

Website: http://www.ldk2017.org/

* FQAS 2017 – 12th International Conference on
Flexible Query Answering Systems

June 2123, London, UK

Website: http://fqas-2017.org/

* WASPIQ 2017 – Workshop on ASP technologIes for
Querying large scale multisource heterogeneous web information

June 2730, Arras, France

Website: http://waspiq2017.lsis.org

* RW 2017 – 13th Reasoning Web Summer School
“Semantic Interoperability on the Web”

July 7-11, Birbeck, University of London, UK

Website: https://2017.ruleml-rr.org/call-for-13th-reasoning-web-summer-school-rw-2017/

* RuleML+RR 2017 – International Joint Conference on
Rules and Reasoning

July 12-15, Birbeck, University of London, UK

Website: https://2017.ruleml-rr.org/

* ESSLLI 2017 – 29th European Summer School in
Logic, Language, and Information

July 17-28, Toulouse, France

Website: https://www.irit.fr/esslli2017/

* DL 2017 – 30th International Workshop on Description Logics

July 18-21, Montpellier, France

Website: https://project.inria.fr/dl2017/


* OntoBras 2017 – 9th Brazilian Ontology Research Seminar
August 28-30, 2017, Brasilia, Brazil

** Friday, May 19 (papers, extended)

Website: http://www.ontobras2017.org/en/

* VORTE 2017 – 9th International Workshop on
Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise
October 10, 2017, Quebec-City, Canada

** Sunday, May 21 (papers, extended)

Website: http://edoc2017.ca/vorte-2017/

* ICBO 2017 – 8th International Conference on Biomedical Ontology
September 1315, Newcastle, UK

** Friday, June 2 (papers and posters)

Website: http://conferences.ncl.ac.uk/icbo17/

* 2017 IAOA Summer Institute on Upper Ontologies
August 8-11, Toronto, Canada

** Thursday, June 15 (student grant applications)

* OntoCoM 2017 – 5th International Workshop on
Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling

** Monday, July 3 (papers)

Website: http://er2017.pros.webs.upv.es/ontocom-2017/

* JOWO 2017 – Joint Ontology Workshops
“The Tyrolean Autumn”

** Monday, July 17 (workshop submissions)
!! recommended by JOWO, workshops may set other dates !!



* Executive Council Meetings

Default dates: bi-weekly on Wednesday, 14:00 UTC

Meeting n.170 (confirmed) : May 24, 2017, 14:00 UTC

EC Webpage: https://www.iaoa.org/iaoaorga/council/council.html

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education

Default dates: 1st Thursday of each month, 12:30 UTC

Meeting n.21 (confirmed) : June 08, 2017, 12:30 UTC

EduTC Webpage:

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

Default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 20:30 UTC

next meetings:
** n.44 – June 05, 2017, 20:30 UTC (to be confirmed)
** n.45 July 03, 2017, 20:30 UTC (to be confirmed)

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:


* 2017 IAOA Summer Institute Topic: “Upper Ontologies”

August 8-11, 2017, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Website: http://ontologforum.org/index.php/SummerInstitute2017

Status: Registration open

* ONTOBRAS 2017 – 9th Brazilian Ontology Research Seminar

August 28-30, 2017, Brasilia, Brazil

Website: http://www.ontobras2017.org/en/

Involvement: IAOA funding of 1,000 EUR (EC meeting n.164, Feb 13)

* JOWO 2017 – 3rd Joint Ontology Workshops

September 21-23, 2017, Bolzano, Italy

Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/JOWO-2017/

** accepted workshops announced
** 1st calls for contributions are distributed

* VORTE 2017 – 9th International Workshop on Vocabularies,
Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise

October 10, 2017, Quebec City, Canada

Website: http://edoc2017.ca/vorte-2017/

Involvement: IAOA funding of 500 EUR (EC meeting n.164, Feb 13)

* FOIS 2018 – Formal Ontology in Information Systems and
ISAO 2018 – Interdisciplinary School on Ontological Analysis

(it is intended that both events are temporally well-matched)

Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Dates: TBD

February 2017 Newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

herewith we start a newsletter series on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information.

We hope you will find such updates useful and welcome proposals to add events the scope of which covers (elements of) research in ontology. Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [3] or publicly to the membership [4].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] info@iaoa.org

[4] iaoa-member@ovgu.de


* 2017 Ontology Summit (weekly sessions: February 22 – May 10, 2017)
The Launch session will be held on Wednesday, February 22, 2017,
starting at 17:30 UTC (**). We will have presentations from each of
the track champions, outlining their plans for upcoming sessions.

** Ontology Summit webpage
** Launch Session webpage (Feb 22, 2017)
** local times of Launch Session start time (17:30 UTC)


* FOUST 2017 – The Foundational Stance (workshop)
February 27-28, University of Bolzano, Italy

Website: http://foust.inf.unibz.it/
Involvement: IAOA funding of 500 EUR (EC meeting n.164, Feb 13)


* AISB CAOS 2017 – Cognition And OntologieS (2nd workshop)
April 18-21, University of Bath, UK

Deadline for submission: Tuesday, February 28 (all submissions)
Website: http://caos.inf.unibz.it/
Involvement: IAOA funding of 500 EUR (EC meeting n.164, Feb 13)


* LDK 2017 – Language, Data and Knowledge (1st Conference)
June 19-20, Galway, Ireland

Extended deadline for submission: Thursday, February 23
Website: http://ldk2017.org/

* IDC 2017 – 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed
October 11-13, Belgrade, Serbia

Deadline for submission: Tuesday, April 4 (papers)
Website: http://idc2017.pmf.uns.ac.rs/

* ER 2017 – 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
November 6-9, Valencia, Spain

Deadlines for submission:
** Monday, April 10 (abstract submission)
** Monday, April 17 (paper submission)
Website: http://er2017.pros.webs.upv.es/

* DL 2017 – 30th International Workshop on Description Logics
July 18-21, Montpellier, France

Deadlines for submission:
** Friday, April 28 (paper registration)
** Monday, May 8 (paper submission)
Website: https://project.inria.fr/dl2017/

* ISWC 2017 – 16th International Semantic Web Conference
October 21-25, Vienna, Austria

Deadlines for submission:
** Monday, May 8 (abstract submission)
** Monday, May 15 (paper submission)
Website: http://iswc2017.semanticweb.org/

* SEMANTiCS 2017 – The Linked Data Conference
13th International Conference on Semantic Systems
September 11-14, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Deadlines for submission:
** Wednesday, May 17, 2017 (abstracts)
** Wednesday, May 24, 2017 (papers)
Website: http://2017.semantics.cc


* Executive Council Meeting n.165, March 06, 2017
EC Webpage: https://www.iaoa.org/iaoaorga/council/council.html

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education
Default dates: under redetermination as of March 2017
(was: 1st Wednesday of each month, 14:30 UTC)
date for n.18 (in March 2017): TBD more precisely
EduTC Webpage: https://www.iaoa.org/iaoaTC/TCeducation/TCeducation.php

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG
Default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 18:30 UTC
yields: n.41 – March 06, 2017, 18:30 UTC
n.42 – April 03, 2017, 18:30 UTC
Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:


* 2017 IAOA Summer Institute
University of Toronto, Canada

Dates: exact dates TBD in the next EC meeting n.165, Mar 06, 2017, likely in the 1st half of August 2017
Duration: 4 or 5 days
Website: TBA
Status: initial announcement planned for around March 01, 2017

* ONTOBRAS 2017 – 9th Brazilian Ontology Research Seminar
August 28-30, 2017, Brasilia, Brazil

Website: TBA
Involvement: IAOA funding of 1,000 EUR (EC meeting n.164, Feb 13)

* JOWO 2017 – 3rd Joint Ontology Workshops
Dates: targeting at November or December 2017
Status: early planning and coordination phase

* FOIS 2018 – Formal Ontology in Information Systems and
ISAO 2018 – Interdisciplinary School on Ontological Analysis
(it is intended that both events are temporally well-matched)

Dates and location: TBD
Status: IAOA Executive Council reviews proposals to determine
local host(s)/location

Looking back at FOIS and JOWO 2016 – key information and links

The Ninth International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2016) [1] was held in Annecy, France, from July 6 to 9, 2016, in co-location with the 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2016).

More than 70 participants attended the conference, which received 81 submissions from 29 countries and all populated continents. The presentations of the 25 accepted papers (ca. 31%) covered a wide range of topics, including foundations, space, time and change, cognition, language and semantics, empiricism and measurement, ontology of engineering, biomedical ontologies and ontology of social reality.

The presentations, together with the talks of the four invited speakers (Gilberto Camara, Fabien Gandon, Friederike Moltmann, Stephen Mumford) were followed by very lively discussions. The PC Chairs of the ninth edition have been Roberta Ferrario and Werner Kuhn, while the General Chair was Giancarlo Guizzardi.

The proceedings of the conference have been published on open access as volume 283 of the Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) series by IOS Press. They are available at [2], itself linked at [3]. The presentations are also available, at [4].

The conference included three satellite activities: Demonstration Track (3 presentations), Early Career Symposium (5 presentations and posters) and Formal Ontology Competition (3 presentations). The Chairs of these activities were Frank Loebe (Demo Track), Adrien Barton, Stefano Borgo and Jean-Rmi Bourguet (ECS), and Fabian Neuhaus (Competition).

The best paper award was won by Claudio Masolo with the paper “Observations and their Explanations”, while the winners of the Formal Ontology Competition were Niels Grewe, Ludger Jansen and Barry Smith with the work “Permanent
Generic Relatedness and Silent Change”.


Annecy, view on the river Thiou.
Moreover, the main conference was preceded by the second edition of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2016) [5], which combined four ontology-centered workshops, running in parallel:

CAOS (First International Workshop on Cognition and Ontologies)
OntoCom (Fourth International Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling)
NSWO (New Standards for the Working Ontologist)
WOMoCOE (International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality and Evolution)

Oliver Kutz and Sergio de Cesare were the Workshop Chairs of JOWO 2016, which included very exciting presentations, both of accepted papers and keynotes by Brandon Bennett, Jrme Euzenat, and Gem Stapleton. The proceedings of the workshops and of the works presented during the satellite activities have been published as CEUR volume 1660 [6].

All information and material can be found at the FOIS 2016 Website [1] and the JOWO 2016 Website [5], respectively.

[1] FOIS 2016 Website

[2] FOIS 2016 Proceedings, open access, at the IOS Press website

[3] Proceedings page at the FOIS 2016 Website

[4] Presentations page at the FOIS 2016 Website

[5] JOWO 2016 Website

[6] JOWO 2016 Proceedings, including FOIS Satellite Events

Jun-Jul 2016: ISAO and FOIS, including Assembly

IAOA’s3rd Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology,ISAO 2016, is held in Bozen-Bolzano, Italy onJune 27-July 1. Its exquisite program covers the course topics ofMereology (A. Varzi),Time and Processes (A. Galton), Geospatial Ontology (G. Camara), Language and Ontology (L. Vieu), and Reasoning over Ontologies and Conceptual Models (A. Artale).

In the week right after ISAO, IAOA’s flagship conference Formal Ontology in Information Systems, FOIS 2016takesplace in Annecy, France during July 6-9, co-located with the International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2016, July 5-7. FOIS 2016

  • comes with a novel Demonstrations Track,
  • hosts an Early Career Symposium andfois-2016-logo-1
  • a Formal Ontology Competition as well as
  • the Joint Ontology WOrkshops, JOWO 2016.

The 2nd Assembly of IAOA is held on July 8, 2016 as a physical and virtual meeting in the context of FOIS 2016. Among its main topics, the current status of therelocation to Switzerland will be discussed.

TheOntology Summit 2016was concerned with the theme “Framing the Conversation: Ontologies within Semantic Interoperability Ecosystems“. It ended theSummit Symposiumin Arlington, Virgina, USAon May 9-10. Analogously to previous years, results are captured in the Ontology Summit Communique 2016.

Get together in sunny Rio de Janeiro for the premier IAOA event, FOIS 2014

In September 2014, the international community of ontologists will flock to the Brazilian coastline for the largest IAOA event of the year, the flagship Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS) conference.

Research paper submissions are due on March 3 — start preparing now, as just as in previous FOIS events, we expect tough competition! This year, in addition to paper submissions there will also be an ontology competition in which a prize will be awarded to the winning ontology evaluated by the criteria outlined in last year’s Ontology Summit.

Find out more about this event at http://fois2014.inf.ufes.br/p/home.html.

Here comes the Ontology Summit 2014!

We are so far.
The Ontology Summit 2014 has just started this week.
For the first time ever in the Ontology Summit history, more than 100 members and interested parties from around the world have attended the Launch Event on January 16 via phone and chat!
A achievement for our Community!
Colleagues are already posting about the event, so don’t miss out!
Become a member and join the Summit and the Community discussion! You can only win!
And help us spread the word (G+, Twitter, FB) (official twitter account: @OntologySummit; proposed hashtag: #ontosum)
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