April 2022 newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

Herewith you receive the April 2022 newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].


IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”


[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”


[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org




* Several events in the context of the:
8th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2022) – Episode VIII: The Svear Sommar of Ontology
August 15-19, 2022, Jönköping University, Sweden

Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/2022/index.html

* OSS 2022 – Ontologies for Social Services @JOWO2022

Website: https://csse.utoronto.ca/oss2022

Deadline for submissions:
** May 1, 2022

* IFOW 2022 – The Integrated Food Ontology Workshop @JOWO2022

Website: https://foodon.org/ifow-2022-workshop/

Deadline for submissions:
** May 15, 2022

* RobOntics 2022 – Ontologies for Autonomous Robotics @JOWO2022

Website: https://robontics2022.github.io/

Deadline for submissions:
** May 24, 2022

* FOUST VI – 6th Workshop on Foundational Ontology @JOWO2022

Website: https://foust.inf.unibz.it/foust6/

Deadline for submissions:
** May 27, 2022

* CAOS 2022 – Cognition And OntologieS @JOWO 2022

Website: https://caos.inf.unibz.it/cfp22/

Deadline for submissions:
** June 3, 2022

* FOMI 2022 – 12th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry
Tentative date: September 12-15, 2022
INP-ENIT, University of Toulouse, Tarbes, France

Website: https://ontocommons.eu/news-events/events/12th-international-workshop-formal-ontologies-meet-industry-fomi22

Deadline for submissions:
** June 3, 2022

* FMKD 2022 – Formal Models of Knowledge Diversity @JOWO2022

Website: https://sites.google.com/unimib.it/fmkd/home-page

Deadline for submissions:
** June 15, 2022




* 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022)
April 25-27, 2022

Website: https://iceis.scitevents.org

* The Web Conference ACM (WebConf 2022)
April 25-29, 2022, online hosted by Lyon, France

Website: https://www2022.thewebconf.org/

* Knowledge Graphs track
@37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
April 25-29, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sac2022kg

* The Semantic Web and Applications track (SWA 2022)
@7th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2022
April 25-29, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sac2022-swa/home

* Beyond Facts 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis
@TheWebConf (WWW) 2022)
April 26, 2022

Website: https://knod22.wordpress.com/

* International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ICAPAI 2022)
May 5, 2022, Halden, Norwey

Website: https://www.hiof.no/iio/english/about/conferences/icapai/

* Ontology Uses and Contribution to Artificial Intelligence (OnUCAI-2022) @PAKDD 2022
Exact date tba (within May 16-19, 2022), online or in Chengdu, China

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/onucai-pakdd-2022

* 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2022)
May 17-20, 2022, Barcelona, Spain

Website: https://www.rcis-conf.com/rcis2022/

* Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2022)
May 29 – June 2, 2022, Hersonissos, Greece

Website: https://2022.eswc-conferences.org/

* 32nd International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2022)
May 30 – June 3, 2022, Hamburg, Germany

Website: https://ejc2022.entavis.com/index.html

* 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2022)
June 6-10, 2022, Leuven, Belgium

Website: https://caise22.ugent.be/

* 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2022)
June 14-17, 2022, Halifax, Canada

Website: https://aime22.aimedicine.info

* AIC 2022] 8th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition
@SweCog 2022: the conference of the Swedish Cognitive Science Society
June 15-17, 2022, Örebro, Sweden

Website: https://aic20.aass.oru.se/

* 11th International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise (VORTE 2022)
@ 24th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2022),
June, 15-17, 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Website: https://vorte2022.github.io/

* 30th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2022)
June 19-22, 2022, Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy

Website: https://sebd2022.isti.cnr.it/

* 18th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2022)
June 20-23, 2022, Biarritz, France

Website: ie2022.iutbayonne.univ-pau.fr

* 13th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2022)
June 27 – July 1, 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
(physical event supporting some virtual presence)

Website: https://computationalcreativity.net/iccc22/




* 11th International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise (VORTE 2022)
@24th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2022),
June 15–17, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2022

Website: https://vorte2022.github.io/

Submission deadlines:
** April 17, 2022 (paper submission)

* 13th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2022)
June 27 – July 1, 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
(physical event supporting some virtual presence)

Website: https://computationalcreativity.net/iccc22/

Submission deadline:
** April 22, 2022 (short papers)

* 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
August 7-10, 2022

Website: https://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/dl2022/

Submission deadline:
** April 23, 2022 (abstract submission)
** April 30, 2022 (paper submission)

* 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage (SWODCH 2022)
@ ADBIS 2022, September 5, 2022, Turin, Italy

Website: https://swodch2022.inf.unibz.it/

Submission deadline:
** May 2, 2022

* Intelligent Data – From Data to Knowledge (DOING 2022)
September 5, 2022, Turin, Italy

Website: https://www.univ-orleans.fr/lifo/evenements/doing/?page_id=820

Submission deadline:
** May 3, 2022

* 23rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2022)
September 26-29, 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Website: https://ekaw2022.inf.unibz.it/

Submission deadline:
** May 3, 2022

* SEMANTiCS 2022
September 12-15, 2022, Vienna, Austria

Website: https://2022-eu.semantics.cc/conference

Submission deadline:
** May 9, 2022 (abstract submission research&innovation track)
** May 16, 2022 (paper submission research&innovation track)
** May 30, 2022 (paper submission industry&use case)

* AIC 2022] 8th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition
@SweCog 2022: the conference of the Swedish Cognitive Science Society
June 15-17, 2022, Örebro, Sweden

Website: https://aic20.aass.oru.se/

Submission deadline:
** May 13, 2022

* International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2022)
September 25-28, 2022, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Website: https://icbo-conference.github.io/icbo2022/

Submission deadline:
**May 13, 2022 (full length and short papers)

* 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2022)
September 20-23, 2022, Padua, Italy

Website: http://tpdl2022.dei.unipd.it/

Submission deadline:
** May 22, 2022 (short paper)
** May 29, 2022 (full paper)

* 6th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2022) @Declarative AI 2022

Website: https://2022.declarativeai.net/events/ruleml-rr/ruleml-rr-cfp

Submission deadline:
** May 24, 2022 (title and abstract submission)
** June 2, 2022 (paper submission)

* The 28th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2022)
October 4-7, 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Website: https://coopisconference.org/

Submission deadline:
** June 7, 2022




* Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), special issue on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage

CFP: https://dl.acm.org/journal/JOCCH/semanticwebch

Deadline for submission:
** June 1, 2022




The Ontology Summit is an annual series of events that involves the ontology community and communities related to each year’s theme chosen for the summit. The Ontology Summit was started by Ontolog and NIST, and the program has been co-organized by Ontolog and NIST along with the co-sponsorship of other organizations that are supportive of the Summit goals and objectives.

2022 Topic – Pandemics and Other Disasters

Website: https://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2022

Upcoming agenda:

** April 20, 2022 Karen Moe on Disaster observations from space (tentative)
** April 27, 2022 Panel on Environment Disasters (tentative)
** May 4, 2022 TBD
** May 11, 2022 Robert Rovetto on Aerospace and Maritime Disasters
** May 18, 2022 TBD
** May 25, 2022 Rama Suresh on Situational Awareness Project (tentative)
** June 1, 2022 TBD
** June 8, 2022 Aerospace and Maritime Disasters Synthesis
** June 15, 2022 Communique Preparation
** June 22, 2022 Communique Preparation
** June 29, 2022 Communique Preparation




* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

EC Webpage:


< end of newsletter >

March 2022 newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

Herewith you receive the March 2022 newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].


IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”


[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”


[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org




* Several events in the context of the:
8th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2022) – Episode VIII: The Svear Sommar of Ontology
August 15-19, 2022, Jönköping University, Sweden

Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/2022/index.html

Deadline for submission:
** Upcoming information

* 12th International Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry (FOMI)
Tentative date: September 12-15, 2022
INP-ENIT, University of Toulouse, Tarbes, France

Deadline for submissions:
** Upcoming information




* 18th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (CoMoRea 2021)
March 25, 2022, online

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/comorea22/

* 25th International Conference on Database Theory (CDT 2022)
March 29 – April 1, 2022, online

Website: https://databasetheory.org/icdt-pages

* Joint Logic Workshop: Logic in Computer Science and Deduction Systems
April 8, 2022, online

Website: https://kwarc.info/events/GILogicWorkshops/index.html

* 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022)
April 25-27, 2022

Website: https://iceis.scitevents.org

* The Web Conference ACM (WebConf 2022)
April 25-29, 2022, online hosted by Lyon, France

Website: https://www2022.thewebconf.org/

* Knowledge Graphs track
@37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
April 25-29, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sac2022kg

* The Semantic Web and Applications track (SWA 2022)
@7th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2022
April 25-29, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sac2022-swa/home

* Beyond Facts 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis
@TheWebConf (WWW) 2022)
April 26, 2022

Website: https://knod22.wordpress.com/

* International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ICAPAI 2022)
May 5, 2022, Halden, Norwey

Website: https://www.hiof.no/iio/english/about/conferences/icapai/

* Ontology Uses and Contribution to Artificial Intelligence (OnUCAI-2022) @PAKDD 2022
Exact date tba (within May 16-19, 2022), online or in Chengdu, China

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/onucai-pakdd-2022

* 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2022)
May 17-20, 2022, Barcelona, Spain

Website: https://www.rcis-conf.com/rcis2022/

* Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2022)
May 29 – June 2, 2022, Hersonissos, Greece

Website: https://2022.eswc-conferences.org/

* 32nd International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2022)
May 30 – June 3, 2022, Hamburg, Germany

Website: https://ejc2022.entavis.com/index.html




* 27th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2022)
September 12-15, 2022

Website: https://iccs-conference.org/

Submission deadline:
*** March 18, 2022 (paper submission)

* 26th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2023)

Website: https://easychair.org/cfp/ICDT2023

Submission deadline:
*** March 21, 2022 (paper submission)

* 20th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2022)
September 13-15, 2022, Münster, Germany

Website: https://bpm2022.uni-muenster.de/calls-and-dates/call-for-papers

Submission deadline:
*** March 16, 2022 (research paper submission)
*** March 31, 2022 (case-study submission)

* Deep Learning meets Ontologies and Natural Language Processing (DeepOntoNLP-2022)
@ESWC 2022, date to be announced (within May 29 – June 2)

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/deepontonlp2022/

Submission deadline:
*** March 18, 2022

* 8th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition (AIC 2022)
@SweCog 2022: The conference of the Swedish Cognitive Science Society

Website: https://aic20.aass.oru.se/

Submission deadline:
*** March 18, 2022

* 10th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob 2022) @ICAPS’22
June 20-21, Singapore

Website: http://icaps22.icaps-conference.org/workshops/PlanRob/

Submission deadline:
*** March 18, 2022

* 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022)
October 23-27, 2022, Hangzhou, China

Website: https://iswc2022.semanticweb.org/

Submission deadline:
*** March 18, 2022 (workshop and tutorial proposals)
*** April 28, 2022 (abstracts due for research, in-use, resource tracks)
*** May 5, 2022 (full papers due for research, in-use, resource tracks)
*** May 13, 2022 (doctoral consortium submissions)

* The 33rd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2022)
August 22-24, 2022, Vienna, Austria

Website: http://www.dexa.org/dexa2022

Submission deadline:
*** March 21, 2022 (extended)

* 23rd European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2022)
September 1-2, 2022, Naples, Italy

Submission deadline:
*** March 31, 2022

* 26th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2022)
September 5-8, 2022

Website: https://adbis2022.polito.it/calls/call-for-papers/

Submission deadline:
*** April 7, 2022

* 11th International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise (VORTE 2022)
@24th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2022),
June 15–17, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2022

Website: https://vorte2022.github.io/

Submission deadlines:
*** April 10, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** April 17, 2022 (paper submission)

* 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
August 7-10, 2022

Website: https://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/dl2022/

Submission deadline:
*** April 23, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** April 30, 2022 (paper submission)

* 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage (SWODCH 2022)
@ ADBIS 2022, September 5, 2022, Turin, Italy

Website: https://swodch2022.inf.unibz.it/

Submission deadline:
*** May 2, 2022

* Intelligent Data – From Data to Knowledge (DOING 2022)
September 5, 2022, Turin, Italy

Website: https://www.univ-orleans.fr/lifo/evenements/doing/?page_id=820

Submission deadline:
*** May 3, 2022

* 23rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2022)
September 26-29, 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Website: https://ekaw2022.inf.unibz.it/

Submission deadline:
*** May 3, 2022

* SEMANTiCS 2022
September 12-15, 2022, Vienna, Austria

Website: https://2022-eu.semantics.cc/conference

Submission deadline:
*** May 9, 2022 (abstract submission research&innovation track)
*** May 16, 2022 (paper submission research&innovation track)
*** May 30, 2022 (paper submission industry&use case)

* 6th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2022) @Declarative AI 2022

Website: https://2022.declarativeai.net/events/ruleml-rr/ruleml-rr-cfp

Submission deadline:
*** May 24, 2022 (title and abstract submission)
*** June 2, 2022 (paper submission)




* Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), special issue on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage

CFP: https://dl.acm.org/journal/JOCCH/semanticwebch

Deadline for submission:
*** June 1, 2022




The Ontology Summit is an annual series of events that involves the ontology community and communities related to each year’s theme chosen for the summit. The Ontology Summit was started by Ontolog and NIST, and the program has been co-organized by Ontolog and NIST along with the co-sponsorship of other organizations that are supportive of the Summit goals and objectives.

2022 Topic – Pandemics and Other Disasters

Website: https://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2022

Upcoming agenda:

*** March 16, 2022 John Beverley on The Subtle Art of Modeling Pandemics
*** March 23, 2022 Alpha Tom Kodamullil on COVID-19 Multilingual Ontologies
*** March 30, 2022 Pandemics Synthesis
*** April 6, 2022 Krzysztof Janowicz on Wildfires and KG issues (tentative)
*** April 13, 2022 Dave Jones on ESIP (tentative)
*** April 20, 2022 Karen Moe on Disaster observations from space (tentative)
*** April 27, 2022 Panel on Environment Disasters (tentative)
*** May 4, 2022 TBD
*** May 11, 2022 Robert Rovetto on Aerospace and Maritime Disasters
*** May 18, 2022 TBD
*** May 25, 2022 Rama Suresh on Situational Awareness Project (tentative)
*** June 1, 2022 TBD
*** June 8, 2022 Aerospace and Maritime Disasters Synthesis
*** June 15, 2022 Communique Preparation
*** June 22, 2022 Communique Preparation
*** June 29, 2022 Communique Preparation




* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

EC Webpage:


< end of newsletter >

February 2022 newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

Herewith you receive the February 2022 newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].


IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”


[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”


[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org




* 8th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2022)
August 15-19, 2022, Jönköping University, Sweden

Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/2022/index.html

Deadline for submissions:
** February 15, 2022 (Workshop and Tutorial proposals)
** Further deadlines upcoming




* 15th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2022,
March 12-14, 2022, online

Website: https://www.is-conf.org/

* 18th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (CoMoRea 2021)
Either March 21 or March 22, 2022, online

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/comorea22/

* 25th International Conference on Database Theory (CDT 2022)
March 29 – April 1, 2022, online

Website: https://databasetheory.org/icdt-pages

* [ICEIS 2022] 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
April 25-27, 2022

Website: https://iceis.scitevents.org

* The Web Conference ACM (WebConf 2022)
April 25-29, 2022, online hosted by Lyon, France

Website: https://www2022.thewebconf.org/

* Knowledge Graphs track
@37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
April 25-29, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sac2022kg

* The Semantic Web and Applications track (SWA 2022)
@7th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC) 2022
April 25-29, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sac2022-swa/home

* Beyond Facts 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis
@TheWebConf (WWW) 2022)
April 26, 2022

Website: https://knod22.wordpress.com/




* 23rd European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2022)
September 1-2, 2022, Naples, Italy

Website: https://academic-conferences.org/conferences/eckm/eckm-call-for-papers/

Submission deadline:
** March 31, 2022

* 1st Workshop on Modular Knowledge @ESWC 2022 (MK2022)
date to be announced (within May 29 – June 2)

Website: https://mk2022.fbk.eu/

Submission deadline:
*** February 21, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** February 28, 2022 (paper submission)

* International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Generation from Text (Text2KG)
May 29, 2022 @ESWC 2022

Website: https://aiisc.ai/text2kg/

Submission deadline:
*** February 28, 2022

* 30th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2022),
June 19-22, 2022, Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy

Website: https://sebd2022.isti.cnr.it/

Submission deadline:
*** March 3, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** March 11, 2022 (paper submission)

* The 33rd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2022)
August 22-24, 2022, Vienna, Austria

Website: http://www.dexa.org/dexa2022

Submission deadline:
*** March 7, 2022

* Ontology Uses and Contribution to Artificial Intelligence @PAKDD 2022
May 16-19, 2022, online or Chengdu, China

Website: http://www.pakdd.net/

Submission deadline:
*** March 11, 2022

* 27th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2022)
September 12-15, 2022

Website: https://iccs-conference.org/

Submission deadline:
*** March 11, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** March 18, 2022 (paper submission

* 26th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2023)

Submission deadline:
*** March 14, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** March 21, 2022 (paper submission)

* 20th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2022)
September 13-15, 2022, Münster, Germany

Website: https://bpm2022.uni-muenster.de/calls-and-dates/call-for-papers

Submission deadline:
*** March 16, 2022

* Deep Learning meets Ontologies and Natural Language Processing (DeepOntoNLP-2022)
@ESWC 2022, date to be announced (within May 29 – June 2)

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/deepontonlp2022/

Submission deadline:
*** March 18, 2022

* 8th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition
@SweCog 2022: the conference of the Swedish Cognitive Science Society

Website: https://aic20.aass.oru.se/

Submission deadline:
*** March 18, 2022

* 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022)
October 23-27, 2022, Hangzhou, China

Website: https://iswc2022.semanticweb.org/

Submission deadline:
*** March 18, 2022 (workshop and tutorial proposals)
*** April 28, 2022 (abstracts due for research, in-use, resource tracks)
*** May 5, 2022 (full papers due for research, in-use, resource tracks)
*** May 13, 2022 (doctoral consortium submissions)

* 23rd European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2022)
September 1-2, 2022, Naples, Italy

Submission deadline:
*** March 31, 2022

* 26th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS)
September 5-8, 2022

Website: https://adbis2022.polito.it/calls/call-for-papers/

Submission deadline:
*** April 7, 2022

* 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
August 7-10, 2022

Website: https://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/dl2022/

Submission deadline:
*** April 23, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** April 30, 2022 (paper submission)




* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on Semantic Web for Industrial Engineering: Research and Applications

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-semantic-web-industrial-engineering-research-and-applications

Deadline for submissions:
*** February 14, 2022 (extended)

* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on The Role of Ontologies and Knowledge in Explainable AI

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-role-ontologies-and-knowledge-explainable-ai

Deadline for submissions:
*** February 15, 2022

* Information, special issue on Data and Metadata Management with Semantic Technologies

CFP: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/information

Deadline for submissions:
** March 15, 2022

* Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), special issue on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage

CFP: https://dl.acm.org/journal/JOCCH/semanticwebch

Deadline for submission:
*** June 1, 2022




The Ontology Summit is an annual series of events that involves the ontology community and communities related to each year’s theme chosen for the summit. The Ontology Summit was started by Ontolog and NIST, and the program has been co-organized by Ontolog and NIST along with the co-sponsorship of other organizations that are supportive of the Summit goals and objectives.

2022 Topic – Pandemics and Other Disasters

Website: https://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2022

Upcoming agenda:

*** February 23, 2022 Matthew West ; Open Discussion
*** March 2, 2022 Asiyah Lin on Post-workshop Report of WCO-2020: Workshop on COVID-19 Ontologies
*** March 9, 2022 Michael DeBellis and Biswanath Dutta
*** March 16, 2022 John Beverley on The Subtle Art of Modeling Pandemics
*** March 23, 2022 Alpha Tom Kodamullil on COVID-19 Multilingual Ontologies
*** March 30, 2022 Pandemics Synthesis
*** April 6, 2022 Krzysztof Janowicz on Wildfires and KG issues (tentative)
*** April 13, 2022 Dave Jones on ESIP (tentative)
*** April 20, 2022 Karen Moe on Disaster observations from space (tentative)
*** April 27, 2022 Panel on Environment Disasters (tentative)
*** May 4, 2022 TBD
*** May 11, 2022 Robert Rovetto on Aerospace and Maritime Disasters
*** May 18, 2022 TBD
*** May 25, 2022 Rama Suresh on Situational Awareness Project (tentative)
*** June 1, 2022 TBD
*** June 8, 2022 Aerospace and Maritime Disasters Synthesis
*** June 15, 2022 Communique Preparation
*** June 22, 2022 Communique Preparation
*** June 29, 2022 Communique Preparation




* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

EC Webpage:


< end of newsletter >

Ontology Summit 2022 — Pandemics and Other Disasters

Ontology Summit

The Ontology Summit is an annual series of events that involves the ontology community and communities related to each year’s theme chosen for the summit. The Ontology Summit was started by Ontolog and NIST, and the program has been co-organized by Ontolog and NIST along with the co-sponsorship of other organizations that are supportive of the Summit goals and objectives.

Ontology Summit 2022 Theme: Pandemics and Other Disasters

The COVID-19 pandemic as well as other pandemics and disasters have
prompted an impressive, worldwide response by governments, industry, and
the academic community. Ontologies can play a significant role in search,
data description, interoperability and harmonization of the increasingly
large data sources that are relevant to disasters such as the COVID-19
pandemic. This summit will examine the role that ontologies can play in
disasters. The first track will be an overview of the notion of disaster.
The other tracks will examine how the different kinds of disaster are
employing ontologies.

(always at Noon US/Canada Eastern Time)

January 19, 2022 Overview of the Summit and Tracks
January 26, 2022 Josh Lieberman and Paul Churchyard: Overview of the OGC
Disaster Pilot
February 2, 2022 Doug Lenat Representation and Reasoning Lessons Learned
in Building Cyc
February 9, 2022 Chris Mungall and Justin Reese on COVID-19 Knowledge
February 16, 2022 Doug Lenat Followup Session
February 23, 2022 Matthew West ; Open Discussion
March 2, 2022 Asiyah Lin on Post-workshop Report of WCO-2020: Workshop on
COVID-19 Ontologies
March 9, 2022 Michael DeBellis and Biswanath Dutta
March 16, 2022 John Beverley on The Subtle Art of Modeling Pandemics
March 23, 2022 Alpha Tom Kodamullil on COVID-19 Multilingual Ontologies
March 30, 2022 Pandemics Synthesis
April 6, 2022 Krzysztof Janowicz on Wildfires and KG issues (tentative)
April 13, 2022 Dave Jones on ESIP (tentative)
April 20, 2022 Karen Moe on Disaster observations from space (tentative)
April 27, 2022 Panel on Environment Disasters (tentative)
May 4, 2022 TBD
May 11, 2022 Robert Rovetto on Aerospace and Maritime Disasters
May 18, 2022 TBD
May 25, 2022 Rama Suresh on Situational Awareness Project (tentative)
June 1, 2022 TBD
June 8, 2022 Aerospace and Maritime Disasters Synthesis
June 15, 2022 Communique Preparation
June 22, 2022 Communique Preparation
June 29, 2022 Communique Preparation

JOWO 2022

The Joint Ontology Workshops – JOWO 2022

Episode 8: The Svear Sommar of Ontology  

August 15-19, 2022, Jönköping, Sweden (On-site)


— Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals —

* Submission is open until: February 15, 2022

* Notification: March 1, 2022

The organisation team invites proposals for workshops and tutorials to be submitted to the eighth edition of the Joint Ontology Workshop (JOWO 2022). The event will take place at Jönköping University in Sweden on August 15-19, 2022.

Workshops and tutorials at JOWO 2022 are events whose scientific program is independently established by the workshop organisers, but whose venue matters are managed by the organisation of the umbrella event. Organisers for each workshop are responsible to advertise the workshop, finding a program committee, and reviewing and selecting the contributions. Each workshop will be treated as an independent track at JOWO and will be provided with a submission track on JOWO‘s Easychair, a room at a shared venue with joint breaks, shared keynote speakers, and social programs. Attendees are free to partake in all workshops at JOWO and all accepted papers are to be published in the joint proceedings (open access CEUR proceedings in the IAOA series: http://ceur-ws.org/iaoa.html).

Proposals for workshops of interest are those that provide a forum for the discussion of theory, practice, development and/or application of topics broadly related to ontologies, formal ontology, and knowledge management and their application in information science or closely related areas. The strength of JOWO is the variety of different topics within the same domain. Therefore, JOWO workshops typically address a wide spectrum of topics related to ontology research and information science: ranging from Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Knowledge Representation and Logic, Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence and Hybrid AI, Conceptual Modelling and Semantic Web. In general, any particular domain in which ontologies may be put to use is welcome. As a workshop collective, JOWO is especially suitable for interdisciplinary and innovative formats.

Previous JOWO editions were held as independent events in 2019 in Graz (Austria), in 2017 in Bolzano (Italy), and in conjunction with FOIS 2018 in Cape Town (South Africa), with FOIS 2016 in Annecy (France), and at IJCAI 2015 in Buenos Aires (Argentina). During the pandemic times 2022-21, JOWO were held as components in BOSK 2021 and 2022 in Bolzano (Italy).This year’s venue is Jönköping University. The university offers modern facilities in a mid-sized town in the south of Sweden. Beautifully located between shimmering lakes and lush forests, Jönköping is a popular tourist destination for nature lovers, sports enthusiasts and those interested in nordic culture. JOWO will be organised as an on-site event, but individual workshops may choose to invite part of their workshop presenters in an online form, given that they manage the complexities of the hybrid format independently from the JOWO organisation.



Workshop proposals should be sent to:
steering.JOWO2022@gmail.com as soon as possible and no later than February 15, 2022

We encourage several forms and lengths of workshops (the list is non-exhaustive):

  • workshops that focus on an established research area, including continuations of workshops that were held in the past;
  • workshops that focus on emerging topics and applications, or on open research questions and challenges;
  • workshops that aim to create cross-disciplinary research fostering the exchange of ideas between groups otherwise mostly disconnected.

Proposals for workshops and tutorials should be no more than 2 pages in length, and must contain the following information:

  • title of the workshop/tutorial;
  • names of the workshop/tutorial organisers;
  • brief description of experience in workshop/tutorial organisation;
  • description of the workshop/tutorial topic;
  • brief description of the expected audience (please give an estimate of the expected number of participants and their background and interests);
  • intended duration of the workshop (between half a day and a full day);
  • timeline for the workshop (submission dates, notification dates). We recommend taking the proposed “important dates” below into account.


Submissions of workshop proposals will be evaluated by the workshop chairs of JOWO 2022 using the following criteria:

  • Scientific relevance and utility to attendees;
  • Quality of the proposal;
  • Likelihood of success of the workshop;
  • Overlap and complementarity with other workshops.


  • February 15, 2022 – Workshop proposal submission deadline
  • March 1, 2022 – Latest date for notification of workshop acceptance
  • March 16, 2022 – 1st call for papers to be distributed by individual workshop organisers
  • August 15-19, 2022 – JOWO conference dates


In case of further questions please contact: steering.JOWO2022@gmail.com


Chairs and local organisation:
Maria M. Hedblom, Jönköping University, Sweden

Karl Hammar, Jönköping University, Sweden

Tan He, Jönköping University, Sweden

Proceedings chair:

Tiago Sales Prince, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Web chair: 

Selja Seppälä, University College Cork (UCC), Ireland

January 2022 Newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

Herewith you receive the January 2022 newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].


IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”


[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”


[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org




* 8th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2022)
August 15-19, 2022, Jönköping University, Sweden

Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/2022/index.html

Deadline for submissions:
** February 15, 2022 (Workshop and Tutorial proposals)
** Further deadlines upcoming




* 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022)
February 3-5, 2022, online

Website: https://icaart.scitevents.org/

* 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2022)
February 6-8, 2022, online

Website: https://modelsward.scitevents.org/

* 15th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2022,
March 12-14, 2022, online

Website: https://www.is-conf.org/

* 18th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (CoMoRea 2021)
Either March 21 or March 22, 2022, online

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/comorea22/

* 25th International Conference on Database Theory (CDT 2022)
March 29 – April 1, 2022, online

Website: https://databasetheory.org/icdt-pages




* 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2022)
June 14-17, 2022, Halifax, Canada

Website: https://aime22.aimedicine.info/index.php/call-for-submissions/papers

Deadline for submissions:
** January 15, 2022 (abstract submission)
** January 29, 2022 (paper submission)

* 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2022)
May 17-20, 2022, Barcellona, Spain

Website: http://www.rcis-conf.com/rcis2022/

*** January 15, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** January 22, 2022 (paper submission)

* 32nd International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2022)
May 30 – June 2, 2022, Hamburg, Germany

Website: https://ejc2022.entavis.com/

*** January 17, 2022

* International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ICAPAI 2022)
May 5, 2022, hybrid event in Halden, Norway

Website: https://www.hiof.no/iio/english/about/conferences/icapai/

*** January 31, 2022

* Special Session on KR and Robotics @ KR 2022
date to be announced (within July 31 – August 5), Haifa, Israel

Website: https://kr2022.cs.tu-dortmund.de/cfp_special_session_kr_and_robotics.php

*** February 2, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** February 9, 2022 (paper submission)

* Beyond Facts 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis (KnOD 2022)
@TheWebConf (WWW 2022), date to be announced (within April 25-26, 2022)

Website: https://knod22.wordpress.com/dates-and-submission/

Deadline for submissions::
** February 3, 2022

* 23rd European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2022)
September 1-2, 2022, Naples, Italy

Website: https://academic-conferences.org/conferences/eckm/eckm-call-for-papers/

Deadline for submissions:
** February 9, 2022
** March 31, 2022

* 1st Workshop on Modular Knowledge @ESWC 2002 (MK2022)
date to be announced (within May 29 – June 2)

Website: https://mk2022.fbk.eu/

*** February 21, 2022 (abstract submission)
*** February 28, 2022 (paper submission)

* International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Generation from Text (Text2KG)
May 29, 2022 @ESWC 2022

Website: https://aiisc.ai/text2kg/

*** February 28, 2022

* 20th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2022)
September 13-15, 2022, Münster, Germany

Website: https://bpm2022.uni-muenster.de/calls-and-dates/call-for-papers

Deadline for submissions:
** March 16, 2022

* Deep Learning meets Ontologies and Natural Language Processing (DeepOntoNLP-2022)
@ESWC 2022, date to be announced (within May 29 – June 2)

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/deepontonlp2022/

*** March 18, 2022

* 27th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2022)
September 12-15, 2022

Website: https://iccs-conference.org/

*** March 18, 2022




* Journal of Web Semantics, special issue on Knowledge Graphs and Information Retrieval

CFP: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-web-semantics/call-for-papers/knowledge-graphs-and-information-retrieval-journal-of-web-semantics

Deadline for submissions:
** January 16, 2022

* Journal of Web Semantics, special issue on Knowledge Engineering

CFP: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-web-semantics/call-for-papers/knowledge-engineering

Deadline for submissions:
** January 20, 2022

* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on Semantic Web for Industrial Engineering: Research and Applications

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-semantic-web-industrial-engineering-research-and-applications

Deadline for submissions:
*** February 1, 2022 (extended)

* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on The Role of Ontologies and Knowledge in Explainable AI

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-role-ontologies-and-knowledge-explainable-ai

Deadline for submissions:
*** February 15, 2022

* Information, special issue on Data and Metadata Management with Semantic Technologies

CFP: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/information

Deadline for submissions:
** March 15, 2022

* Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), special issue on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage

CFP: https://dl.acm.org/journal/JOCCH/semanticwebch

Deadline for submission:
*** June 1, 2022




* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

EC Webpage:


< end of newsletter >

December 2021 Newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

Herewith you receive the December newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].


IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”


[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”


[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org




* 8th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2022)
August 15-19, 2022, Jönköping University, Sweden

Website: https://www.iaoa.org/jowo/2022/index.html

Deadline for submissions:
** February 15, 2022 (Workshop and Tutorial proposals)
** Further deadlines upcoming




* Symposium Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics (LACompLing2021)
December 13-17, 2021, online

Website: https://staff.math.su.se/rloukanova/LACompLing2021-web/

* Workshop on Knowledge Graphs and Big Data @IEEE Big Data 2021
December 15, 2021, online

Website: http://www.cci.drexel.edu/kgbigdata/

* International Conference on Big Data (IEEE Big Data 2021)
December 15-18, 2021, online

Website: http://bigdataieee.org/BigData2021/

* 11th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies (IEEE – ICISAT’ 2021)
December 27-28, 2021, hybrid

Website: http://www.ijist.net/ICIST2021/

* 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022)
February 3-5, 2021, online

Website: https://icaart.scitevents.org/

* 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2022)
February 6-8, 2021, online

Website: https://modelsward.scitevents.org/




* 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2022)

Website: https://aime22.aimedicine.info/index.php/call-for-submissions/papers

Deadline for submissions:
** January 15, 2022

* Beyond Facts 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis (KnOD 2022)
collocated with TheWebConf (WWW 2022), April 25-26, 2022

Website: https://knod22.wordpress.com/dates-and-submission/

Deadline for submissions::
** February 3, 2022

* 23rd European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2022)
September 1-2, 2022, Naples, Italy

Website: https://academic-conferences.org/conferences/eckm/eckm-call-for-papers/

Deadline for submissions:
** February 9, 2022
** March 31, 2022

* 20th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2022)
September 13-15, 2022, Münster, Germany

Website: https://bpm2022.uni-muenster.de/calls-and-dates/call-for-papers

Deadline for submissions:
** March 16, 2022




* IEEE Intelligent Systems, Special Issue on Reasoning with Inconsistent, Incomplete, and Uncertain Knowledge

CFP: https://www.computer.org/digital-library/magazines/ex/call-for-papers-special-issue-on-reasoning-with-inconsistent-incomplete-and-uncertain-knowledge

Deadline for submissions:
*** December 30, 2021

* Journal of Web Semantics, special issue on Knowledge Graphs and Information Retrieval

CFP: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-web-semantics/call-for-papers/knowledge-graphs-and-information-retrieval-journal-of-web-semantics

Deadline for submissions:
** January 16, 2022

* Journal of Web Semantics, special issue on Knowledge Engineering

CFP: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-web-semantics/call-for-papers/knowledge-engineering

Deadline for submissions:
** January 20, 2022

* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on Semantic Web for Industrial Engineering: Research and Applications

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-semantic-web-industrial-engineering-research-and-applications

Deadline for submissions:
*** February 1, 2022 (extended)

* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on The Role of Ontologies and Knowledge in Explainable AI

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-role-ontologies-and-knowledge-explainable-ai

Deadline for submissions:
*** February 15, 2022

* Information, special issue on Data and Metadata Management with Semantic Technologies

CFP: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/information

Deadline for submissions:
** March 15, 2022





* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

n.275 on Tuesday, 2021.11.16, 14:00 GMT/UTC
(regional times: 09:00 EDT / 15:00 CET)

EC Webpage:


< end of newsletter >

November 2021 Newsletter

Dear IAOA members,

Herewith you receive the November newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].


IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”


[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”


[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org




* First International Workshop on Joint Use of Probabilistic Graphical Models and Ontology (PGMOnto 2021)
November 19-20 (half-day), 2021

Website: https://kgswc.org/pgmonto2021/

* 3rd Ibero-American Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC 2021)
November 22-24, 2021

Website: https://kgswc.org/

* 8th International Conference on Information Management and Big Data (SIMBig 2021)
December 1-3, 2021, online event

Website: https://simbig.org/SIMBig2021/index.html

* 20th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIXIA 2021)
December 1-3, 2021, online event

Website: https://aixia2021.disco.unimib.it/

* The 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs (IJCKG 2021)
December 6-8, 2021, online event

Website: https://www.ijckg.org/2021/

* Symposium Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics (LACompLing2021)
December 13-17, 2021, online event

Website: https://staff.math.su.se/rloukanova/LACompLing2021-web/

* Workshop on Knowledge Graphs and Big Data @IEEE Big Data 2021
December 15, 2021, online event

Website: http://www.cci.drexel.edu/kgbigdata/

* International Conference on Big Data (IEEE Big Data 2021)
December 15-18, 2021, online event

Website: http://bigdataieee.org/BigData2021/

* 11th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies (IEEE – ICISAT’ 2021)
December 27-28, 2021, hybrid event

Website: http://www.ijist.net/ICIST2021/




* 11th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies (IEEE – ICISAT’ 2021)
December 27-28, 2021

Website: http://www.ijist.net/ICIST2021/

Deadline for submission:
*** November 18, 2021 (paper submission)

* 15th IADIS Information Systems Conference (IS 2022)
March 12-14, 2022, Porto, Portugal

Website: https://www.is-conf.org/

Deadline for submission:
*** November 19, 2021

* 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2022)
June 6-10, 2022

Website: https://caise22.ugent.be/

Deadline for submission:
*** November 22, 2021 (abstract submission)
*** November 29, 2021 (paper submission)

* 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)
April 25-27, 2022

Website: https://iceis.scitevents.org

Deadline for submission:
*** Nov 30, 2021




* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-commonsense-knowledge-and-reasoning

*** November 15, 2021

* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on the Semantic Web for the Global Food System

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-semantic-web-global-food-system

*** November 30, 2021

* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on The Role of Ontologies and Knowledge in Explainable AI

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-role-ontologies-and-knowledge-explainable-ai

*** December 10, 2021

* Semantic Web Journal (SWJ), special issue on Semantic Web for Industrial Engineering: Research and Applications

CFP: http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-papers-special-issue-semantic-web-industrial-engineering-research-and-applications

*** February 1, 2022 (extended)




* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

n.275 on Tuesday, 2021.11.16, 14:00 GMT/UTC
(regional times: 09:00 EDT / 15:00 CET)

EC Webpage:


* IAOA-IT Dissolution Assembly
on Monday, 2021.11.22, 17:00 GMT/UTC
(regional times: 09:00 PST / 12:00 EST / 18:00 CET / Tue 02:00 JST)


First ESAO Webinar

First ESAO Webinar
November 9th, 11:00-12:00 EST, 17:00-18:00 CET


The IAOA has created the Educational Series on Applied Ontology (ESAO), a new educational effort directed towards topics of Applied Ontology, primarily established basics and foundations.

The series is inspired by the Interdisciplinary Schools on Applied Ontology (ISAO) (whose next edition will be in 2023). ESAO is complementary in format and its overall approach. The goal is to provide a combination of archive educational material (e.g. short video lectures) and a series of webinars for presenting and discussing that material.

The ESAO Series is open for all and welcomes students, researchers and practitioners alike. The launch event for this new series was held at the second Bolzano Summer of Knowledge (BoSK 2021), with seven webinar sessions according to the new format on a single day.

–> The first of the regular webinar sessions will be held on
November 9th, 11:00-12:00 EST, 17:00-18:00 CET, online.

No registration needed. The Zoom link for participating is:


Meeting ID: 994 4331 8113, Passcode: 410885



* 11:00-11:30 EST, 17:00-17:30 CET

Adrien Barton, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) – CNRS, France
“Ontological realism: A philosophical overview”

Some applied ontologies explicitly adhere to a position named “ontological realism”. In this presentation, I will locate “ontological realism” within the landscape of the various forms of realism that have been proposed in metaphysics and philosophy of science, among which Platonic realism, Aristotelian realism, scientific realism, entity realism and structural realism.

* 11:30-12:00 EST, 17:30-18:00 CET

Lars Vogt, Leibniz Information Center for Science & Technology (TIB), Germany
“Boundaries and natural units”

I will present the concept of bona fide and fiat boundaries and review the problems involved with this approach for demarcating natural units, with examples from the life sciences, focussing on issues revolving around granularity and frames of reference. I will then introduce an alternative approach that focusses on the concept of causal unity.



Members of the Education Technical Committee of IAOA
and among those primarily (in alphabetical order):
* Oliver Kutz
* Frank Loebe
* Sandra Lovrenčić
* Daniele Porello
* Robert Rovetto
* Cassia Trojahn
* Laure Vieu

E-Mail: info@iaoa.org


The IAOA at Ontology Commons Global Workshop

On November 2, 2021, at 10:50-11:25, Laure Vieu – in the role of current president of the IAOA –  will give a speech at the “Global Workshop: Ontology Commons addressing challenges of the Industry 5.0 transition”. The title of the talk is: “The international Association for Ontology and its Applications: 12 Years of Promoting Applied Ontology with an Interdisciplinary Approach”.

For more information, please visit:



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