Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the June newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org


FOIS 2020 is part of a great wider event, the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge; JOWO and ISAO are also part of it. However, given the coronavirus crisis, the situation is at the moment not completely clear, the latest updates are the following:

*** FOIS 2020: the in-person meeting is postponed to Sept 13-16, 2021, while the proceedings will be made freely available online towards the end of 2020.
*** JOWO 2020: among the workshops originally included in JOWO 2020, some will take place as virtual events, others are postponed to JOWO 2021. Please check the specific websites for more information.
*** ISAO 2020: the in-person summer school is postponed to September 2021
*** EKAW 2020: will be a virtual event in September 2020 with publication of proceedings sticking to the original timeframe.
*** ICBO 2020: will be a virtual event in September 2020 with publication of proceedings sticking to the original timeframe.

Please check the webpages for updates:

*** BoSK 2020: https://summerofknowledge.inf.unibz.it
*** FOIS 2020: https://fois2020.inf.unibz.it
*** JOWO 2020: https://iaoa.org/jowo/
*** ISAO 2020: https://isao2020.inf.unibz.it
*** EKAW 2020: https://ekaw2020.inf.unibz.it/
*** ICBO 2020: https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/


* Fair Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage (FAIR 2020)
June 17-18, Tours, France (virtual meeting)

Website: http://www.lestudium-ias.com/event/fair-heritage-digital-methods-scholarly-editing-and-tools-cultural-and-natural-heritage

* 8th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC 2020)
June 17-19, Dublin, Ireland (virtual meeting)

Website: http://linkedbuildingdata.net/ldac2020/

* ER Online Summer Seminars (EROSS 2020)
Every Wednesday, starting from June 24

Website: http://krdb.eu/eross-2020/

* Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances @ Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle (IC@PFIA 2020)
June 29- July 3, Angers, France

Website: http://pfia2020.fr/ic-2020/

* 10th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 2020)
June 30 – July 3, Biarritz, France (partially virtual meeting)

Website: https://wims2020.sigappfr.org/

* 12th Biennial Collective Intentionality Conference (Social Ontology 2020)
July 13-16, Neuchatel Switzerland (virtual meeting)

Website: https://isosonline.org/Social-Ontology-2020

* 2nd Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC 2020)
July 28-31, Merida, Mexico (exploring virtual conference options)

Website: http://www.kgswc.org/

* Robophilosophy Conference
August 18-21, Aarhus, Denmark

Website: https://conferences.au.dk/robo-philosophy/

* 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020)
August 29 – September 2, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (virtual meeting)

Website: http://ecai2020.eu/

* 33rd International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR 2020)
August 29 – September 2, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (virtual meeting)

Website: https://sme.uni-bamberg.de/qr2020/

* 29th IEEE International Conference On Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2020)
August 31 – September 4, Naples, Italy

Website: http://ro-man2020.unina.it/


* 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020)
August 29 – September 2, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 20 (Doctoral consortium applications submission)

Website: http://ecai2020.eu/

* Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (XLoKR20)
September 12-14, Rhodes, Greece

Deadline for papers:
*** Monday, June 22 (papers submission)

Website: https://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/XLoKR20/

* 6th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning (FCR 2020)
September 21-25, Bamberg, Germany (exploring virtual conference options)

Deadline for submissions:
*** Tuesday, June 30 (papers submission)

Website: https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/wbs/fcr2020

* 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2020)
September 16-19, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submission:
*** Tuesday, July 7 (tools and applications, early career and poster tracks submission)

Website: https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/

* 39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2020)
November 3-6, Vienna, Austria (possibility for virtual attendance)

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, July 27 (workshop papers and tutorial proposals submission)

Website: https://er2020.big.tuwien.ac.at/

* Workshop on Scalable Knowledge Graph Engineering (SKALE 2020)
September 16, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy (exploring virtual conference options)

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, August 5 (abstracts submission)
*** Friday, August 7 (papers submission)

Website: https://skale-workshop.gitlab.io/

* International Workshop on Ontologies for Autonomous Robotics (ROBONTICS 2020)
September 13, Bolzano-Bozen (virtual event)

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, August 7 (papers submission)

Website: https://robontics2020.github.io/

* 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020)
November 2-6, Athens, Greece (virtual meeting)

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, August 10 (poster, demo, industry track submission)
*** Monday, August 17 (workshop papers submission)
*** Wednesday, August 19 (reproducibility track submission)

Website: https://iswc2020.semanticweb.org/

* 10th Joint International Conference on Knowledge Graph (JIST-KG-2020)
November 20-22, Bangkok, Thailand

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, August 10 (abstracts submission)
*** Monday, August 17 (papers submission)

Website: https://language-semantic.org/jist-kg-2020/


* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

next meeting: n.243, June 23, 13:30 UTC
default dates: bi-weekly, on Tuesdays, 13:30 UTC

EC Webpage:

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next meeting: n.80, July 6, 14:00 EDT
default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 15:00 EDT

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

SWAO wiki: https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/SWAO:Home

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

Next SWAO Meeting Webpage:


* Ontology Summit 2020
June 17, 12:00 EST, virtual meeting
(the Ontology Summit is organized and run by the Ontolog Community)
default dates: every Wednesday, 12.00 EST

*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2020
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/WikiHomePage
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2020_06_17

< end of newsletter >


Many communities are now designing and employing semantic technologies, including the knowledge graphs, big data, linked data, and semantic web communities.  These communities actually share many common goals, but the level of collaboration between these communities and the Applied Ontology community has been much less than expected.  SWAO was established to bring all perspectives to the table, thus creating a forum for the multiple communities to work collaboratively in tackling common problems. All are welcome to participate regardless of membership or affiliation.


SWAO is currently engaged in two major activities:


  1. “Ontology Articulation Guidelines”
  2. Special Issue “Toward Meaningful Explanations” in the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences


Dear IAOA members,

one of IAOA’s missions is to foster research on Ontology and the dissemination thereof. The Executive Council is seeking proposals to sponsor scientific events in the domain of Applied Ontology. Given the current pandemic situation, we are open to proposals of physical as well as virtual meetings, e.g., workshops, conferences, summer schools. The goal is to support new initiatives in the community at large rather than to provide repeated funding. The events eligible should be scheduled to take place between July 2020 and June 2021.

If you would like to organize a scientific event with the support of IAOA, please provide the following information:

1.) Event title and description of topic
2.) Primary organizer contact information (with email address)
3.) Names and affiliations of all organizers; please indicate
who among the organizers is currently an IAOA member
4.) Dates (approximately, if no dates are fixed yet) and venue
5.) Event of which the event is a satellite (if applicable)
6.) Pointer to descriptions of previous editions of the event, if any
7.) Format of the event and schedule
(for example, paper presentations, tutorials, demo sessions, etc.)
8.) How much money you need from IAOA (up to 500 Euros per event)
and how it is planned to be used
9.) Any additional funding from sources other than the IAOA
(already confirmed or targeted)
10.) Plans for dissemination of the event’s result(s)
(publication in proceedings, special issue in journals, etc.)
11.) Projected audience: numbers, level
(students, academics, researchers, business people, etc.)
12.) Other information worth mentioning (program committee, etc.)


Submission of proposals: 25 June 2020 (Thursday; UTC-12)


Submissions and questions regarding funding proposals should be sent to secretary@iaoa.org .

Best regards,
Frank Loebe
(IAOA Secretary)


Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the May newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org


FOIS 2020 is part of a great wider event, the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge; JOWO and ISAO are also part of it. However, given the coronavirus crisis, the situation is at the moment not completely clear, the latest updates are the following:

*** FOIS 2020: the in-person meeting is postponed to Sept 13-16, 2021, while the proceedings will be made freely available online towards the end of 2020.
*** JOWO 2020: among the workshops originally included in JOWO 2020, some will take place as virtual events, others are postponed to JOWO 2021. Please check the specific websites for more information.
*** ISAO 2020: the in-person summer school is postponed to September 2021
*** EKAW 2020: will be a virtual event in September 2020 with publication of proceedings sticking to the original timeframe.
*** ICBO 2020: will be a virtual event in September 2020 with publication of proceedings sticking to the original timeframe.

Please check the webpages for updates:

*** BoSK 2020: https://summerofknowledge.inf.unibz.it
*** FOIS 2020: https://fois2020.inf.unibz.it
*** JOWO 2020: https://iaoa.org/jowo/
*** ISAO 2020: https://isao2020.inf.unibz.it
*** EKAW 2020: https://ekaw2020.inf.unibz.it/
*** ICBO 2020: https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/


* 17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2020)
June 2-4, Heraklion, Greece (virtual meeting)

Website: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/

* 4th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020)
June 4-5, New York, NY, USA

Website: https://waset.org/social-robotics-conference-in-june-2020-in-new-york

* 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2020)
June 8-12, Grenoble, France (virtual meeting)

Website: http://caise20.imag.fr/

* 20th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2020)
June 9-12, Helsinki, Finland (virtual meeting)

Website: https://icwe2020.webengineering.org/

* 2nd International Workshop on Semantics and the Web ForTransport (Sem4Tra 2020)
June 9, Helsinki, Finland (virtual meeting)

Website: https://sem4tra.linkeddata.es/

* Fair Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage (FAIR 2020)
June 17-18, Tours, France (virtual meeting)

Website: http://www.lestudium-ias.com/event/fair-heritage-digital-methods-scholarly-editing-and-tools-cultural-and-natural-heritage

* 8th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC 2020)
June 17-19, Dublin, Ireland (virtual meeting)

Website: http://linkedbuildingdata.net/ldac2020/

* Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances @ Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle (IC@PFIA 2020)
June 29- July 3, Angers, France

Website: http://pfia2020.fr/ic-2020/

* 10th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 2020)
June 30 – July 3, Biarritz, France (partially virtual meeting)

Website: https://wims2020.sigappfr.org/

* 12th Biennial Collective Intentionality Conference (Social Ontology 2020)
July 13-16, Neuchatel Switzerland (virtual meeting)

Website: https://isosonline.org/Social-Ontology-2020

* 2nd Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC 2020)
July 28-31, Merida, Mexico (exploring virtual conference options)

Website: http://www.kgswc.org/


* 23rd International Conference on Discovery Science (DS)
October 19-21, Thessaloniki, Greece

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 20 (abstracts submission)
*** Monday, May 25 (papers submission)

Website: http://ds2020.csd.auth.gr/

* 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020)
November 2-6, Athens, Greece (virtual meeting)

Deadline for submission:
*** Friday, May 22 (papers submission)
*** Monday, June 1 (doctoral consortium submission)
*** Friday, July 10 (reproducibility track submission)

Website: https://iswc2020.semanticweb.org/

* 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2020)
September 16-20, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, May 25 (abstracts submission)
*** Monday, June 1 (papers submission)

Website: https://ekaw2020.inf.unibz.it/

* 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2020)
September 16-19, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, May 25 (papers submission)

Website: https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/

* 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2020)
September 7-11, Coimbra, Portugal

Deadline for submissions:
*** Monday, May 25 (short papers submission)
*** Monday, June 1 (workshop submission)

Website: http://computationalcreativity.net/iccc20/

* 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020)
September 12-18, Rhodes, Greece

Deadline for submission:
*** Friday, June 5 (doctoral consortium submission)
*** Monday, June 8 (workshop papers submission)
*** Monday, June 15 (recent published research track submission)

Website: https://kr2020.inf.unibz.it/

* 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020)
August 29 – September 2, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 20 (Doctoral consortium applications submission)

Website: http://ecai2020.eu/

* 6th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning (FCR 2020)
September 21-25, Bamberg, Germany (exploring virtual conference options)

Deadline for submissions:
*** Tuesday, June 30 (papers submission)

Website: https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/wbs/fcr2020

* Workshop on Scalable Knowledge Graph Engineering (SKALE 2020)
September 16, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy (exploring virtual conference options)

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, July 1 (abstracts submission)
*** Tuesday, July 7 (papers submission)

Website: https://skale-workshop.gitlab.io/

* 29th IEEE International Conference On Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2020)
August 31 – September 4, Naples, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, July 15 (late break reports submission)

Website: http://ro-man2020.unina.it/


* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

next meeting: n.241, May 26, 14:00 UTC
default dates: bi-weekly, on Tuesdays, 13:30 UTC

EC Webpage:

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next meeting: n.79, June 1, 14:00 EDT
default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 15:00 EDT

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

SWAO wiki: https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/SWAO:Home

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

Next SWAO Meeting Webpage:


* Ontology Summit 2020
May 20, 12:00 EST, virtual meeting
(the Ontology Summit is organized and run by the Ontolog Community)
default dates: every Wednesday, 12.00 EST

*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2020
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/WikiHomePage
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2020_05_20

< end of newsletter >


Dear IAOA Members,

we are grateful to everyone who spent time on our Virtual Assembly and who expressed their votes concerning the 2019 Financial Report [5]. The ballot was closed with the end of May 6, 2020.
The 2019 Financial Report has been approved by all participants of the ballot. These results are listed below and on [1,2].
Many thanks to everyone actively engaged!

In case there remain any further questions, please feel free to contact us at [3] or send issues of general relevance to the members’ mailing list [4].

Additionally we thank Ken Baclawski for preparing the 2019 Financial Report, the Auditors for their work controlling the report and the books, and those who coordinated the ballot and set up the voting system.

Finally, thanks to you once more for your contributions.

Best wishes,

Laure Vieu
President, IAOA

== Voting results of the ballot in May 2020 ==

Ballot item: 2019 Financial Report [5]
Total number of members / entitled to vote:  60
No quorum required
Total number of votes:                       20
Participation rate:                          33.3 %
Ballot Results:
Yes:     20 (100%)
No:       0 ( 0.0%)
Abstain:  0 ( 0.%)

== References ==

[1] https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/IAOA_Assembly_2020_04

[2] https://iaoa.org/members/users/iaoa-res2020.php

[3] info at iaoa.org

[4] iaoa-member at ovgu.de

[5] https://iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/iaoa-ch-financial-report-2019.pdf


Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the April newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org


FOIS 2020 will be part of a great wider event, the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge, which is supposed to happen in September 2020; JOWO and ISAO will also be part of it.However, given the coronavirus crisis, the situation is at the moment unclear, though several conferences including EKAW 2020, ICBO 2020, and FOIS 2020 have already confirmed that papers accepted to these conferences will be published in the respective proceedings sticking to the original timeframe.

Please check the webpages for updates:

*** BoSK 2020: https://summerofknowledge.inf.unibz.it
*** FOIS 2020: https://fois2020.inf.unibz.it
*** JOWO 2020: https://iaoa.org/jowo/
*** ISAO 2020: https://isao2020.inf.unibz.it
*** EKAW 2020: https://ekaw2020.inf.unibz.it/
*** ICBO 2020: https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/


* 5th Workshop on Formal Reasoning about Causation, Responsibility, & Explanations in Science & Technology (CREST 2020)
April 25, Dublin, Ireland

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/crest2020

* 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPUTERM 2020)
May 16, Marseille, France

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/computerm2020

* 17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2020)
May 31 – June 4, Heraklion, Greece (virtual meeting)

Website: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/

* 4th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020)
June 4-5, New York, NY, USA

Website: https://waset.org/social-robotics-conference-in-june-2020-in-new-york

* 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 2020)
June 8-12, Grenoble, France (virtual meeting)

Website: http://caise20.imag.fr/

* 2nd International Workshop on Semantics and the Web ForTransport (Sem4Tra 2020)
June 9-12, Helsinki, Finland (exploring virtual conference options)

Website: https://sem4tra.linkeddata.es/

* Fair Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage (FAIR 2020)
June 17-18, Tours, France (virtual meeting)

Website: http://www.lestudium-ias.com/event/fair-heritage-digital-methods-scholarly-editing-and-tools-cultural-and-natural-heritage

* 8th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC 2020)
June 17-19, Dublin, Ireland (virtual meeting)

Website: http://linkedbuildingdata.net/ldac2020/

* Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances @ Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle (IC@PFIA 2020)
June 29- July 3, Angers, France

Website: http://pfia2020.fr/ic-2020/

* 10th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 2020)
June 30 – July 3, Biarritz, France (partially virtual meeting)

Website: https://wims2020.sigappfr.org/


* 11th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2020)
September 14-17, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 13 (papers submission) !!!EXTENDED DEADLINE!!!

Website: https://fois2020.inf.unibz.it/


* 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2020)
September 16-20, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submission:
*** Thursday, April 23 (abstracts submission)
*** Thursday, April 30 (papers submission)

Website: https://ekaw2020.inf.unibz.it/

* 6th Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-6@ IJCAI-PRICAI 2020)
July 11-17, Yokohama, Japan

Deadline for submission:
*** Friday, April 24 (papers submission)
*** Friday, May 15 (WiC-TSV challenge submission)

Website: http://www.dfki.de/~declerck/semdeep-6/

* 16th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2020)
September 7-10, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (postponed to 2021, proceedings will be published)

Deadline for submission:
*** Saturday, April 25 (abstracts submission)
*** Friday, May 8 (papers submission)

Website: https://2020-eu.semantics.cc/

* Second International Workshop On Semantics And The Web For Transport (Sem4Tra 2020)
June 9, Helsinki, Finland

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, April 26 (papers submission)

Website: https://sem4tra.linkeddata.es/

* 29th IEEE International Conference On Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2020)
August 31 – September 4, Naples, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, April 29 (papers submission)
*** Saturday, June 20 (late break reports submission)

Website: http://ro-man2020.unina.it/

* ​​2nd Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference (​​KGSWC 2020)
July 28-31, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

Deadline for submissions:
*** Thursday, April 30 (demo/posters submission)

Website: http://www.kgswc.org/

* 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2020)
September 7-11, Coimbra, Portugal

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 8 (digital sound art submission)
*** Monday, May 25 (short papers submission)

Website: http://computationalcreativity.net/iccc20/

* Fair Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage (FAIR 2020)
June 17-19, Tours, France (virtual meeting)

Deadline for submissions:
*** Subday, May 10 (abstracts submission)

Website: http://www.lestudium-ias.com/event/fair-heritage-digital-methods-scholarly-editing-and-tools-cultural-and natural-heritage

* The 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing. Special Track on Semantic Web for the Internet of Agents (SWIA 2020)
September 21-23, Scilla (RC), Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, May 10 (papers submission)

Website: idc2020.unirc.it

* 1st International Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage (SWODCH 2020)
September 21-22, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 15 (papers submission)

* 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020)
November 2-6, Athens, Greece (virtual meeting)

Deadline for submission:
*** Friday, May 15 (abstracts submission)
*** Monday, May 18 (doctoral consortium submission)
*** Friday, May 22 (papers submission)
*** Friday, June 26 (posters, demos and industry papers)

Website: https://iswc2020.semanticweb.org/

* 23rd International Conference on Discovery Science (DS)
October 19-21, Thessaloniki, Greece

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 20 (abstracts submission)
*** Monday, May 25 (papers submission)

Website: http://ds2020.csd.auth.gr/

* 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2020)
September 16-19, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, May 25 (papers submission)

Website: https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/

* 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020)
September 12-18, Rhodes, Greece

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, June 8 (workshop papers submission)
*** Monday, June 15 (recent published research track submission)

Website: https://kr2020.inf.unibz.it/

* 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020)
August 31 – September 2, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Deadline for submissions:
*** Saturday, June 20 (Doctoral consortium applications submission)

Website: http://ecai2020.eu/


* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

next meeting: n.239, April 28, 14:00 UTC
default dates: bi-weekly, on Tuesdays, 14:00 UTC

EC Webpage:

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next meeting: n.78, May 4, 14:00 EDT
default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 15:00 EDT

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

SWAO wiki: https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/SWAO:Home

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

Next SWAO Meeting Webpage:


* Ontology Summit 2020
April 22, 12:00 EST, virtual meeting
(the Ontology Summit is organized and run by the Ontolog Community)
default dates: every Wednesday, 12.00 EST

*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2020
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/WikiHomePage
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2020_04_22

< end of newsletter >


Foremost, the FOIS 2020 organizing committee hopes you are all in good health and not too low spirits in the present situation!

The updated deadline for submission to FOIS is MAY 13.

Though it is not possible at the moment to reach a final decision about the shape of  the conference event itself, we can announce that the organisation team of FOIS 2020 is committed to publishing the FOIS proceedings with IOS Press in 2020, in electronic format with permanent open access.

Thus, the paper submission and selection process will run just as expected. FOIS will happen as a face-to-face event in Bolzano when it is safe to travel. Ideally, in September 2020 but otherwise at a later date in 2021, in coordination with other BOSK events.

Physical attendance at FOIS 2020 will be optional for the authors, regardless of whether the conference will happen in September 2020 or at some later date in 2021.

We warmly invite you all again to submit your papers to FOIS 2020.

The FOIS 2020 Organizing Committee

IAOA first 2020 Virtual Assembly Announcement

Dear IAOA members,

Our Statutes [1] require the Association’s Financial Statement to be formally approved every year by a (virtual) assembly.

This is a formal invitation to participate in the first 2020 virtual assembly, whose main purpose is to discuss and approve the 2019 Financial Statement. The report from the Auditors on the Financial Statement and the proposed budget for 2020 will also be made available.

The auditors are currently examining the financial documents.
We will send a brief notification as soon as the Financial Statement,  approved by the auditors, is available, by April 16. Then the discussion on it (and possibly other issues concerning the Association) can take place until April 23, 2020. Finalized details will be published by April 28, 2020. The voting period will be April 29-May 6, 2020 — save these dates!

Everyone with an active IAOA membership is eligible to vote. Detailed voting instructions will be available from the Assembly page [2] and shall be distributed anew at ballot opening.

The Assembly may approve the Financial Statement by simple majority; there is no quorum. The outcome of the voting will be announced to the members’ mailing list by May 8, 2020.

Laure Vieu
President, IAOA

[1] https://iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/iaoa-ch-statute-2016-06-23-en_v12.pdf

[2] https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/IAOA_Assembly_2020_04


Dear IAOA members,

herewith you receive the March newsletter on events that cover research in ontology (conferences, workshops, etc.) or are associated with IAOA (e.g., meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Committees). These newsletters shall inform you about upcoming events and their corresponding deadlines. They may also include short reports of interesting past events, for example, by IAOA members who attended them. The planned frequency of the newsletters ranges from monthly to bi-monthly. This service complements the calendars of events [1] and deadlines [2], which we run for gathering event information. Please notice that such calendars are now easily accessible from the right sidebar of the landing page of the IAOA website [3] and from the Events page [4].

Should you have any further suggestions, comments or questions on this service, please let us know by writing to the Association [5] or publicly to the membership [6].

Should you be aware of events that you wish to be added to the calendar, you may write to [7].

IAOA Executive Council

[1] calendar: “IAOA Check Events”

[2] calendar: “IAOA Check Deadlines”

[3] https://iaoa.org/

[4] https://iaoa.org/index.php/events/

[5] info@iaoa.org

[6] iaoa-member@ovgu.de

[7] calendars@iaoa.org


The dates of FOIS 2020 have been announced: it will take place in Bolzano from September 14 to 17 2020. It will be part of a great wider event, the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge, a month of knowledge in September 2020. JOWO and ISAO will also be part of it.

Please check the webpages for updates:

*** BoSK 2020: https://summerofknowledge.inf.unibz.it
*** FOIS 2020: https://fois2020.inf.unibz.it
*** JOWO 2020: https://iaoa.org/jowo/
*** ISAO 2020: https://isao2020.inf.unibz.it
*** EKAW 2020: https://ekaw2020.inf.unibz.it/
*** ICBO 2020: https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/


* Track on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning at the 35th ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (KRR@SAC 2020)
March 30 – April 3, Brno, Check Republic

Website: http://www.dmi.unipg.it/bista/organizing/KRR@sac2020

* 5th Workshop on Formal Reasoning about Causation, Responsibility, & Explanations in Science & Technology (CREST 2020)
April 25, Dublin, Ireland

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/crest2020

* 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPUTERM 2020)
May 16, Marseille, France

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/computerm2020

* 1st Workshop of the International Cartography Association Commission on Geospatial Semantics (CGS 2020)
May 19, Redlands, CA, USA

Website: https://easychair.org/cfp/CGS2020

* 23rd International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR23)
May 22-27, Alicante, Spain

Website: https://easychair.org/cfp/LPAR-23

* 17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2020)
May 31 – June 4, Heraklion, Greece

Website: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/


* 11th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2020)
September 14-17, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, April 15 (papers submission)

Website: https://fois2020.inf.unibz.it/


* 10th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining & Semantics (WIMS 2020)
June 30 – July 3, Biarritz, France

Deadline for submissions:
*** Monday, March 16 (papers submission)

Website: https://wims2020.sigappfr.org/

* 17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2020)
May 31 – June 4, Heraklion, Greece

Deadline for submissions:
*** Thursday, March 19 (posters, demos and industry track submission)

Website: https://2020.eswc-conferences.org/

* 15th International Conference on Deontic Logic and Normative Systems (DEON 2020)
July 30 – August 2, Munich, Germany

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, March 22 (papers submission)

Website: https://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/events/workshops/container/deon-2020/index.html

* 16th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2020)
September 7-10, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, March 23 (workshop proposals submission)
*** Saturday, April 18 (abstracts submission)
*** Saturday, April 25 (papers submission)
*** Monday, May 25 (industry and use case presentations submission)
*** Monday, June 22 (posters and demos submission)

Website: https://2020-eu.semantics.cc/

* 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020)
November 2-6, Athens, Greece

Deadline for submission:
*** Friday, March 27 (abstracts submission)
*** Friday, April 3 (papers submission)
*** Monday, May 18 (doctoral consortium submission)

Website: https://iswc2020.semanticweb.org/

* 8th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC 2020)
June 17-19, Dublin, Ireland

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, March 27 (papers submission)

Website: http://linkedbuildingdata.net/ldac2020/

* 29th IEEE International Conference On Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2020)
August 31 – September 4, Naples, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, March 29 (papers submission)
*** Monday, June 15 (late break reports submission)

Website: http://ro-man2020.unina.it/

* ​​2nd Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference (​​KGSWC 2020)
July 28-31, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

Deadline for submissions:
*** Monday, March 30 (papers submission)

Website: http://www.kgswc.org/

* Fair Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage (FAIR 2020)
June 17-19, Tours, France

Deadline for submissions:
*** Tuesday, March 31 (posters submission)

Website: http://www.lestudium-ias.com/event/fair-heritage-digital-methods-scholarly-editing-and-tools-cultural-and natural-heritage

* 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020)
June 8-12, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, April 1 (Doctoral consortium applications submission)

Website: http://ecai2020.eu/

* 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2020)
June 8-12, Grenoble, France

Deadline for submission:
*** Friday, April 3 (Forum submission)
*** Friday, April 3 (Doctoral Consortium submission)

Website: http://caise20.imag.fr/

* The 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing. Special Track on Semantic Web for the Internet of Agents (SWIA 2020)
September 21-23, Scilla (RC), Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, April 12 (papers submission)

Website: idc2020.unirc.it

* 1st Workshop of the International Cartography Association Commission on Geospatial Semantics (CGS 2020)
May 19, Redlands, CA, USA

Deadline for submission:
*** Wednesday, April 15 (abstracts submission)

Website: https://easychair.org/cfp/CGS2020

* 11th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2020)
September 16-19, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submission:
*** Monday, April 20 (papers submission)

Website: https://icbo2020.inf.unibz.it/

* 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2020)
September 16-20, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submission:
*** Thursday, April 23 (abstracts submission)
*** Thursday, April 30 (papers submission)

Website: https://ekaw2020.inf.unibz.it/

* 6th Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-6@ IJCAI-PRICAI 2020)
July 11-17, Yokohama, Japan

Deadline for submission:
*** Friday, April 24 (papers submission)
*** Friday, May 1 (WiC-TSV challenge submission)

Website: http://www.dfki.de/~declerck/semdeep-6/

* Second International Workshop On Semantics And The Web For Transport (Sem4Tra 2020)
June 9, Helsinki, Finland

Deadline for submissions:
*** Sunday, April 26 (papers submission)

Website: https://sem4tra.linkeddata.es/

* 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2020)
June 29 – July 3, Coimbra, Portugal

Deadline for submissions:
*** Monday, May 4 (short papers submission)

Website: http://computationalcreativity.net/iccc20/

* 1st International Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage (SWODCH 2020)
September 21-22, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Deadline for submissions:
*** Friday, May 15 (papers submission)

* 23rd International Conference on Discovery Science (DS)
October 19-21, Thessaloniki, Greece

Deadline for submissions:
*** Wednesday, May 20 (abstracts submission)
*** Monday, May 25 (papers submission)

Website: http://ds2020.csd.auth.gr/


* Executive Council (EC) Meeting

next meeting: n.236, March 17, 14:00 UTC
default dates: bi-weekly, on Tuesdays, 14:00 UTC

EC Webpage:

* EduTC Meetings – Technical Committee on Education

next meeting: n. 48, April 1, 14:30 UTC
default dates: 1st Wednesday of each month, 14:30 UTC

Mailing list archive:

EduTC Webpage:

Scientific Committees and Special Interest Groups

EduTC Wiki: https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/Edu:Home

* SWAO SIG Meetings – Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG

next meeting: n.77, April 6, 14:00 EDT
default dates: 1st Monday of each month, 15:00 EDT

Mailing list archive: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-swao/

SWAO wiki: https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/SWAO:Home

Last SWAO Meeting Webpage:

Next SWAO Meeting Webpage:


* Ontology Summit 2020
March 18, 12:00 EST, virtual meeting
(the Ontology Summit is organized and run by the Ontolog Community)
default dates: every Wednesday, 12.00 EST

*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/OntologySummit2020
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/WikiHomePage
*** http://ontologforum.org/index.php/ConferenceCall_2020_03_18

< end of newsletter >

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