Financial Report 2022

Dear IAOA members,

Please be advised that the 2022 Financial Report and Auditors’ report are now available for your review on the IAOA website [1,2]. The discussion phase is ongoing, so please share any questions or comments to the mailing list [3]. The ballot, during which you are encouraged to vote on the financial report, will be held from Thursday, September 07 to Friday, September 15.

Thanks and kind regards,

Megan Katsumi

Secretary, IAOA

[1] Financial report:

[2] Auditors’ report:

[3] iaoa-member at

IAOA Ordinary Assembly 2023

Dear IAOA members,

soon a 2023 IAOA Ordinary Assembly [1] will be held online, the main purpose of which is to examine and approve the 2022 IAOA Financial Report (forthcoming).

   –> The most important dates of the assembly are:

       – Thu, Aug 24 – proposals of additional agenda items due

       – Thu, Sept 07 – discussion phase ends

       – Thu, Sept 07 – assembly called to order, ballot starts

       – Fri, Sept 15 – ballot closes

       – TBD within Mon-Wed, Sept 18-20 – public assembly session

                             (during the online part of FOIS 2023)

The assembly session will address general updates on IAOA, recent and upcoming major events as well as the results of the ballot. Please see the assembly page [1] with further details on the overall assembly. Note that the 2022 Financial Report and Auditors’ report are forthcoming by Aug 28, 2023.

  –> All members are welcome to propose additional agenda items

      until Thu, Aug 24, 2023.

We will be grateful for your participation in the ballot as well as for any prior input on the matter during the discussion phase (e.g., writing to [2]). Active involvement in IAOA is valuable to our whole community. Proposals for additional agenda items may be made by replying to this email, or sending a separate message to the mailing list [2].


Oliver Kutz

President, IAOA


PS: Trying soon to access the Utilities [3] page in the Members’ Area  helps you to ensure access to the voting system during the ballot.



[2] iaoa-member at



IAOA extra-ordinary assembly now open

The IAOA extra-ordinary assembly is now open, namely the voting period for the approval of the IAOA Financial Report 2021.

Information regarding this extra-ordinary assembly is on the wiki page:

The ballot is open from now, November 30, till December 06, 2022 (23:59, AoE = UTC-12).

To cast your vote, you have to:

* log in onto our website,  i.e. at
(Note: if you cannot log in, you might have lost your password –see, or you haven’t renewed your membership. Membership registration is blocked during the ballot period.)

* go to the 2022 Financial Report Approval page at
(voting page also accessible from the Utilities page in the Member Area)

* cast your vote by clicking your preference in the voting form and submitting it

Should you have any question, comment or motion proposal, feel free to send a message to, or to post a public message to this list.

Please don’t forget to cast your vote, even if you intend to abstain. Every vote is important!
The voting period closes on December 6, 2022 at 23:59, AoE (= UTC-12)

Voting results will be announced on the mailing list on December 09, 2022.

Should you have any doubt or problem, don’t hesitate to contact the IAOA Secretaries, Megan Katsumi and Frank Loebe at

Thanks for your participation

2022 IAOA Extra-Ordinary Virtual Assembly, Nov 30-Dec 06

Dear IAOA members,

soon a 2022 IAOA Extra-Ordinary Assembly [1] will be held online, the purpose of which is to examine and approve the 2021 IAOA Financial Report [2].

The most important dates of the assembly are:

  • Wed, Nov 23 – discussion phase ends
  • Wed, Nov 30 – assembly called to order, ballot starts
  • Tue, Dec 06 – ballot closes

Please see the assembly page [1] with the Financial Report [2], the Auditors’ Report [3] and further details on the overall assembly.

We will be grateful for your participation in the ballot as well as for any prior input on the matter during the discussion phase (e.g., writing to [4]). Active involvement in IAOA is valuable to our whole community.

Frank Loebe
Secretary, IAOA

PS: Trying soon to access the Utilities [5] page in the Members’ Area helps you to ensure access to the voting system during the ballot.


IAOA second 2021 Assembly Announcement

The Twelfth International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems [1], FOIS 2021, in the framework of the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge 2021 [2], is happening in Bolzano, Italy and online during this week.

–> The second 2021 IAOA Assembly will be held there and virtually
on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 17:15-18:15 CEST [3]You are cordially invited to join!
Details [4] for joining virtually can be found below.

To join physically, beware that the meeting takes place in the main building of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Piazza Università, 39100 Bolzano BZ), just a block away from the Kolpinghaus where FOIS is held [5].This Assembly will be informal and mainly serves to inform you and let all of us discuss about the development of our Association and its activities.

Please find the agenda for the Assembly at the bottom of this message. If you would like to see further topics addressed during the Assembly, please send them to the Secretary [6].

We look forward to everyone’s participation on September 15, in person at FOIS or virtually.

Laure Vieu
President, IAOA


= IAOA Assembly of September 15, 2021 =

== Agenda ==
[as of Sep 14, 2021]

1. Introductory remarks
a. IAOA in general
2. General updates
a. New zero-fee membership scheme
b. Code of conduct
c. End of the relocation of IAOA to Switzerland
3. Activities, Technical Committees and SIGs
a. Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) SIG
b. Industry and Standards Technical Committee (ISTC)
c. Education Technical Committee (EduTC)
(incl. new Educational Series on Applied Ontology (ESAO))
a. review of FOIS 2020 & FOIS 2021
b. FOIS format & procedures
c. call for hosting FOIS 2023
5. Outlook
a. JOWO 2022 announcement
b. Next assemblies and elections
6. Any other business

IAOA first 2021 Virtual Assembly Announcement

Dear IAOA members,

Our Statutes [1] require the Association’s Financial Statement to be formally approved every year by a (virtual) assembly.

This is a formal invitation to participate in the first 2021 virtual assembly [2], whose main purpose is to discuss and approve the 2020 Financial Statement [3].
The report from the Auditors on the Financial Statement [4] and the proposed budget for 2021 [5] are also available.

The discussion on the Financial Statement (and possibly other issues concerning the Association) can take place from now and until April 12, 2021 through sending a message to  [6] on the IAOA member mailing list [7].
Finalized details integrating the discussion outcome will be published by April 15, 2021.

The voting period will be April 20-April 30, 2021 — save these dates!

Everyone with an active IAOA membership is eligible to vote. Detailed voting instructions will be available from the Assembly page [2] and shall be distributed anew at ballot opening.
The Assembly may approve the Financial Statement by simple majority; there is no quorum.
The outcome of the voting will be announced to the members’ mailing list by May 05, 2021.

Laure Vieu
President, IAOA


Conclusion of the IAOA Second 2020 Virtual Assembly and Executive Council Elections

Dear IAOA Members and Followers,

The nomination phase for the 2020 Executive Council election has closed on November 10, 2020. In addition to Ken Baclawski, Oliver Kutz, Frank Loebe, Fabian Neuhaus, Laure Vieu, and Amanda Vizedom who are candidates for re-election, we have three new candidates: Torsten Hahmann, Megan Katsumi and Emilio Sanfilippo.

We thus have nine candidates for nine positions. The current Executive Council, during its meeting on November 16, has acknowledged all candidates and confirmed that in this situation the election follows the procedure according to Article VII, Section 4, of our earlier Bylaws (IAOA with its new Swiss statutes is still in the process of elaborating new bylaws):
“If the number of candidates is not larger than the number of
vacancies, no ballot is required and the nominated candidates
are deemed to have been elected.”

In conclusion of the election, the new Executive Council for the period of 2021-2022 consists of:

  • Ken Baclawski, Northeastern University, USA
  • Torsten Hahmann, University of Maine, USA
  • Megan Katsumi, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Oliver Kutz, Free University of Bolzano, Italy
  • Frank Loebe, University of Leipzig, Germany
  • Fabian Neuhaus, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
  • Emilio Sanfilippo, LOA, ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy
  • Laure Vieu, IRIT-CNRS, University of Toulouse, France
  • Amanda Vizedom, Credit Suisse, USA

The new officers will take up their roles on January 1st, 2021, when the current period of office comes to an end. At its first meeting, the new EC will also newly elect the holders of the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Finally, we would like to thank the three outgoing Executive Council members, Roberta Ferrario, Michael Gruninger and Maria Keet, for their outstanding service to the community.

Laure Vieu
President, IAOA

IAOA Second 2020 Virtual Assembly and Executive Council Elections

Dear IAOA members,

The second 2020 IAOA Virtual Assembly will soon be open, and we will be selecting members for the Executive Council. These elections follow the regulations in the IAOA Statute as of Jun 23, 2016 [1,2].

All members of the Executive Council come to the end of their terms at the end of 2020. The current Executive Council has decided to keep the present number of people, so nine (9) persons need to be elected.

If you have not renewed your membership in the last 12 months, then your membership has most probably elapsed; please apply for renewal [3] before making a nomination or otherwise participating in the election. (Memberships are valid individually for one year, starting from the date of approval of the membership/renewal request. In few cases, more than 1 year membership may apply.)

For the next few weeks, we foresee three main phases:
Candidature, Campaigning, and Elections, as follows.


A – Candidature phase (from October 28 to November 9)

At least two members (a proposer and at least one seconder, none of whom should be the nominee) are required in order to make a nomination. The members making the nomination shall ensure that they, as well as the nominee, are current members of the association, and that the nominee shall accept the nomination.

PLEASE START NOW IN MAKING YOUR NOMINATIONS, by means of a message posted to [4] and specifying the proposer, the seconder(s), the nominee, and optionally some motivations and/or a candidate’s position statement (which can be circulated afterwards). We have also set up a wiki page to discuss these elections at

[5] .

Please feel free to send any editing comments to [6] .

Nominations can be freely discussed on the members’ mailing list [4,7] from the nomination time to the end of the campaigning phase.


B – Campaigning phase (from November 10 to November 16)

Campaigning can start with the first candidate nomination, i.e., during the candidature phase. Once that phase is closed, there is still a week available for active campaigning and discussion on the members’ mailing list [4,7].


C – 2020 IAOA virtual assembly eBallot (from November 17 to November 22)

In this period you will be asked to vote for nine Executive Council candidates. Please be so kind as to participate in the vote even if you decide to abstain, so we can count you among the participants. The more participants, the stronger the result of the election will be!

The list of candidates and their position statements will be made available through the IAOA Election wiki page [5].

Results will be announced to the mailing list [4] and the wiki page [5].

We will be grateful for any efforts and contributions to the 2020 EC election.
Active involvement in IAOA through Executive Council membership is a highly valuable service to the whole community. Please do consider nominating candidates!

Laure Vieu
President, IAOA











Dear IAOA Members,

we are grateful to everyone who spent time on our Virtual Assembly and who expressed their votes concerning the 2019 Financial Report [5]. The ballot was closed with the end of May 6, 2020.
The 2019 Financial Report has been approved by all participants of the ballot. These results are listed below and on [1,2].
Many thanks to everyone actively engaged!

In case there remain any further questions, please feel free to contact us at [3] or send issues of general relevance to the members’ mailing list [4].

Additionally we thank Ken Baclawski for preparing the 2019 Financial Report, the Auditors for their work controlling the report and the books, and those who coordinated the ballot and set up the voting system.

Finally, thanks to you once more for your contributions.

Best wishes,

Laure Vieu
President, IAOA

== Voting results of the ballot in May 2020 ==

Ballot item: 2019 Financial Report [5]
Total number of members / entitled to vote:  60
No quorum required
Total number of votes:                       20
Participation rate:                          33.3 %
Ballot Results:
Yes:     20 (100%)
No:       0 ( 0.0%)
Abstain:  0 ( 0.%)

== References ==



[3] info at

[4] iaoa-member at


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