Before 2018 will come to an end, there are still two major “projects” concerning IAOA as an organization: (1) the full opening of membership registration and renewal and (2) the Election of the IAOA Executive Council (EC) for the two-year period of office of 2019-2020.
Membership Renewal and Registration
We are happy to announce that the main steps for relocating IAOA to Switzerland have been taken and the IAOA website, relaunched in September 2018, has matured to a functional level over the last two months. Therefore, we cordially invite former members and everyone else with an interest in IAOA, who have not (re)joined the association during 2018, to register newly as a member of the association.
Joining or renewing now will allow you to (re)gain access to the Member Area of the website and its benefits. Moreover, members have access to the [iaoa-member] mailing list and they can participate in the upcoming elections for the Executive Council, please see below.
The navigation item Join IAOA allows you to join or renew. The membership period is no longer a calendar year, but is now determined individually. Based on the annual fee, membership lasts for one year, which starts from the date at which renewal/joining application is approved by IAOA.
As indicated above, joining IAOA now means to join an international association legally domiciled in Bern, Switzerland, whereas previously IAOA was located in Trento, Italy. Please note: Basically all IAOA activities are now transferred to the new association in Switzerland, while IAOA in Italy will remain for administrative reasons for some more time. Anyone concerned about the governance of IAOA in Italy can request more information about the relation between the two associations as legal entities and can request to become also a member of the old association by writing to its new contact address: iaoa-italy <AT> iaoa.org.
Virtual Assembly for 2018 Executive Council Elections
A Virtual Assembly will soon be open in order to select members for the Executive Council (EC) of IAOA (in Switzerland). All nine positions need to be newly elected within December 2018 for the period of office of 2019-2020. These elections follow the regulations in the IAOA Statute as of Jun 23, 2016. An Election Committee is in charge of supervising the election process, which comprises of Valter Cavecchia, Roberta Ferrario, Michael Gruninger, Nicola Guarino and Leo Obrst. More detailed documentation of the process and its development is available at the wiki page IAOA Executive Council Election 2018.
In order to participate in the EC Election in any form, your IAOA membership must be up-to-date. If you have not renewed your membership during 2018, then your membership has elapsed, cf. above; please (re)join IAOA before making a nomination or otherwise participating in the election.
For the next few weeks, we foresee three main phases: Candidature, Campaigning, and Elections. Key points are summarized below, whereas more details can be found at the election wiki page.
A – Candidature Phase (Nov 26 to Dec 9, 2018)
At least two members (a proposer and at least one seconder, none of whom should be the nominee) are required in order to make a nomination. The members making the nomination shall ensure that they, as well as the nominee, are current members of the association, and that the nominee shall accept the nomination.
The list of candidates and their position statements will be made available through the election wiki page.
B – Campaigning Phase (Dec 10 to Dec 16, 2018)
Nominations can be freely discussed on the [iaoa-member] mailing list from the nomination time on. Likewise, campaigning itself can start with the first candidate nomination. Once that the candidature phase is closed, there is still one week available for (further) active campaigning and discussion on the members’ mailing list.
C – 2018 IAOA Virtual Assembly eBallot (Dec 17 to Dec 20, 2018)
In this period all members will be asked to vote for candidates for nine Executive Council positions. We kindly ask all members to participate in the vote (even in the case of abstention) – the more participants, the stronger the result of the election will be!
Results will be announced to the [iaoa-member] mailing list and at the wiki page.
All members should feel free to contact iaoa-election <AT> ovgu.de for any concerns regarding the 2018 EC election.
with your own membership (re)registration as well as
with nominations for the 2018 EC Election.
We will be very grateful for any efforts and contributions.
Michael Gruninger
President, IAOA
for the IAOA Executive Council